Site News

Minor (fixed) security issue

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It was brought to our attention by @SmilingMango that EXIF info wasn't being stripped as we assumed it was by Xenforo. For people that leave GPS enabled, this could be a major issue i.e it exposes your location/address. For this reason we've stripped EXIF from all 15657 images containing info. We've added a tool that can auto strip EXIF from new JPG/JPEG uploads but it doesn't work on PNG from what we can see, this means future JPG/JPEG will be stripped if you have EXIF...
No posting of recent CDPR/EA leaks.
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As you may be aware, CDPR & EA have recently been compromised. As with past illegal thefts of data we have a zero policy of sharing the content.
  1. Linking of any stolen data including screenshots will result in removal of the offending posts, this will result in a permanent ban from the site.
  2. Talk is fine as long as rule 1 is met.
Our goal is to work with game developers, to preserve history. Leaks like this are damaging for both the companies and the countless...

What changes would you like to see on OG?

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As you know, it's been a bumpy few months. I left, Morphic took over, He left due to same reasons I did.. I got forced back as nobody else on staff could take over. While I no longer have an interest in prototypes or it's community I will remain about for general gaming stuff. With that in mind, What changes would you like on site? I fixed the theme that had some overlooked bugs that broke menus. I've made some minor tweaks to fonts/made them bolder etc. I've done a few minor tweaks in...

Reminder: This isn't a ROM/Piracy site!

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We've spotted a few people requesting rom/downloads's for retail systems, we'd just like to remind without telling anybody off that we do not support/allow retail data to be posted. If you own retail stuff and wish to sell your original copy this is fine clearly, but not copies. We have to respect companies and their rights, more so with our goals to become a registered preservation group. I'm not mentioning any names as stated, just a kind a kind reminder for those who don't understand...

A massive thank you to everyone whos signed up so far.

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Would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone. Starting a new forum is a very chicken and egg situation - people don't register as there's no content and there's no content because no one registers. So far we have had hundreds of users register and more importantly - you guys are posting and bringing over posts of value from assemblergames. I couldn't be more proud of how this community has banded together to make this happen. You have all taken the challenge and ran with it -... has merged into ObscureGamers!

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Just a quick update to say we've merged into OG, we didn't see the point keeping two similar based sites up. All PT Discord private group users will be made VIP here (Very Important Preservationist), and if you had an account on PT all your content should be merged here now. If you find any bugs please let me know thank you. Thanks and keep OG great! Regards, Damien/Demon

OG Fundraisers

Find all the latest fundraisers OG is running to save history. Please note paypal charges upto a 5% fee, this is reflects in the total being different.
EA Disc Lot (Sum in Euros)
Nintendo Switch SDEV Crash 4 (Sum in Euros)

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