
  1. kennypecheur

    Strange Gamecube disc (Probably Test-Pressing disc)

    Hi all, Recently, I got a bunch of Gamecube NR Discs from a former Video Game Magazine employee, and it the lot, there was a kind of disc I haven't already seen. As pictured below, it is a gamecube disc that looks double sided. At the moment, I was only able to check the content on one side of...
  2. Icaras

    PS1 WipEout 3 (August 3, 1999 review prototype)

    My favorite review copy for playstation one that i bought for 220 euros :) ENJOY ;) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Gameboi64

    Review Ridge Racer V Review

    Ridge Racer V is a game enjoyable by many people, but I believe that it is most enjoyable by Ridge Racer fans. First of all, to start this review off, I initially HATED this game. I couldn't do any free run tries to get a feel for my car. When you start the game, it is just Gran Prix at the...
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