8 bit duo controller on jvc x eye (odd issue)


Oct 14, 2019
Good evening and merry cristmas,

SO i know this isnt development related, but out of everywhere on the internet (with asmg gone);
this is the only place i feel i could get an intelligent response.

so im experiencing an odd issue with my 8 bit duo controler on my jvc x eye
controler works great on every single game (lunar, vay, sonic cd)
but whenever i try and play dungeon explorer, it does not work? then if i plug in a wired controler it emmediatly works.
very strange!

My guess, its one of the few 4 player controller compatible games, and somehow the firmware of the 8 bit due isnt equiped to handle that kind of signal?

anyway, appreciate your opinions, good or bad. very curious and partialy annoyed
(btw dungeon explorer is an absolutly terrible game, dont buy it)

with regards,
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Congrats for being part of the X'Eye family! By "8 bit duo", you mean "8BitDo" right? Overall, I think it may be what you said, as the console may be expecting a multi-tap if the receiver draws a lot of power?
yes my mistake it is 8bitdo (cant beleive i didnt realize)

very possibly,
"multi-tap" care to elaborate?
"multi-tap" care to elaborate?

A Multi-Tap is a device that lets you connect multiple controllers to one or two inputs. This is how you get 4 players on the Genesis/Mega Drive. Multi-Taps were quite popular back in the day with the Sega Saturn's Bomberman game and the PS1/2.
thank you, merry xmas.

& thats gotta be it.

would a (software/firmware) update on the contoller fix it maybe?

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