Another one joins!


Jun 8, 2019
Happy to meet all of you, coming from AG as well.
It's been sad to hear that it's going down. But, in the end, there's light after storm.

Have been researching mostly Playstation 1/2/3 and OG Xbox stuff. At one point I was into Wii but left once I traded my Wii for a CECHG04 PS3, as I figured the Wii scene was kinda dead at that time. (I might have been wrong, though...)
Currently own about 6 PS3s, 6 PS2s, 3 PS1s and 3 OG Xboxes. Yes, I might be crazy :LOL:

Anyways, looking forward having a great time here with all of you, and maybe even sharing any findings I might have.
Welcome to Obscuregamers NeC5552, I hope you enjoy your stay.
Were always happy to have more people who share their findings with us!
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