3DOM2 Battle Tryst hidden characters


Well-known member
May 31, 2019
I finally today managed to unlock the four hidden characters in game. The rumor was they were “time unlocked” plus an additional condition that id never heard.

After acquiring Gamest magazines with Battle Tryst content, I found the four hidden characters had dates attached to them, like “release dates”

There is an RTC chip on board, and the clock date is saved in the test menu, but even with the clock date past the dates listen in Gamest, no dice...all locked.

Since I hadn’t captured the ending fmv movies for all fighters (coming soon to YouTube...character specific playthrough) today I hammered away and beat the game with all seven characters.

Bam...Elein, Pastel, Alex, and Kitajima (boss) all unlocked. All four have specific stages and full fmv endings.

The best part is I found evidence of eight! cancelled characters in the ending FMV. Gotta search the disc contents to see if anything is left over (doubt it)

But finally after a year of trying I unlocked all the characters. Luckily the board saves the unlocks after a power cycle as well!
Cool, do you plan to make videos?

Yes. I’ll be showing two a week, every other Friday, till it’s all shown :) all characters, hidden characters, hidden stages, and fmv bits
Which issues of Gamest magazine covered the Battle Tryst? Just for curiosity...
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