Cannot Post in Buy, Sell & Trade

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Mar 4, 2020
I find it extremely annoying how I need a post count of 10 before I can access the trading area, and even so, after finding some generic posts to add bloat to in order to get my post count to 10, I still cannot access it. I really hate forums that do stuff like that.

Anyway, the error I'm seeing is "You have insufficient privileges to post threads here".

Any suggestions?
I find it extremely annoying how I need a post count of 10 before I can access the trading area, and even so, after finding some generic posts to add bloat to in order to get my post count to 10, I still cannot access it. I really hate forums that do stuff like that.

Anyway, the error I'm seeing is "You have insufficient privileges to post threads here".

Any suggestions?
It might take a bit of time to change ?
If the community were of any value to you, you wouldn't be complaining about 10 posts.

It's good to see where you can add meaningfully to current threads, not just spamming to get to a required post count.

On other forums I'm on, it takes 100 posts or more to get market privs. OG is too lenient in my opinion. Just my two cents.
I find it extremely annoying how I need a post count of 10 before I can access the trading area, and even so, after finding some generic posts to add bloat to in order to get my post count to 10, I still cannot access it. I really hate forums that do stuff like that.

Anyway, the error I'm seeing is "You have insufficient privileges to post threads here".

Any suggestions?
A ban would be my suggestions. It's to prevent scammers from have wide open access. And also to prevent those who don't give a shit about the community from coming in and buying up whatever (which it sounds like you fall into that category).
A ban would be my suggestions. It's to prevent scammers from have wide open access. And also to prevent those who don't give a shit about the community from coming in and buying up whatever (which it sounds like you fall into that category).
Seeming as I have the OG ASSEMbler Games name badge and I'm the owner/admin of PSXDEV.NET, that wouldn't make much sense now would it :)

I'll contact the admins.
Oh wow, come on, chill ! As the owner of I somehow expected you would have contacted the admins 1st anyway...

But you choosed to bloat the forum up and rant extremely hard about a simple scam prevention instead ? Honestly...
Oh wow, come on, chill ! As the owner of I somehow expected you would have contacted the admins 1st anyway...

But you choosed to bloat the forum up and rant extremely hard about a simple scam prevention instead ? Honestly...
I know how annoying it can be to be messaged directly on the forums about little issues from members so I opted to post and see if moderators here could solve the issue.

It's ironic isn't it how you whine about bloat and yet you post something not useful and actually contribute bloat the topic :)
Not sure exactly why you have so much hostility, but come on, chill.
You clearly expected some reaction, by posting in a public thread about how much you "hate such forums", didnt you ?

And now that you cant handle the reactions, you are trying to "defend" yourself by blaming it on others ?

Calling me hostile ? Way to go...

Let me block you Mr., what a waste of energy and time, ending your rage thread with a failed troll attempt.
Got a reply from a member saying you need a post count of 1,000. There's no way I'm getting to that post count just to browse the marketplace o_O

I've contacted the admins to tell them about the incorrect wording on their site so they can make the adjusted fixes. Thanks for the help to those that were practical :)
I've been staff on other sites and I have to say that when someone with low post count complains strongly about having to fulfill requirements to access restricted sections it raises a red flag.
If the person knows other members then generally the complaint isn't aired publicly.
If the person is well known (from elsewhere) to staff and can be properly identified (yes, imposters can sometimes appear and there's no way to predict that) then sometimes a special case can be made for access to be granted without fulfilling the requirements.

I can never understand why people complain about restricted sections. Unless they're simply impatient and don't really want to engage with the community.
I've been staff on other sites and I have to say that when someone with low post count complains strongly about having to fulfill requirements to access restricted sections it raises a red flag.
If the person knows other members then generally the complaint isn't aired publicly.
If the person is well known (from elsewhere) to staff and can be properly identified (yes, imposters can sometimes appear and there's no way to predict that) then sometimes a special case can be made for access to be granted without fulfilling the requirements.

I can never understand why people complain about restricted sections. Unless they're simply impatient and don't really want to engage with the community.
The frustration was due to matching the post count limit but still being locked out. I understand the need for a post count limit (as I have it on my forums too along with additional rules) since it stop scammers, but there was no mention of verification in the information given to me on the Obscure Gamers forum.

I'm not even sure how I can get verified as this topic went unnoticed by mods and I didn't get a reply from any admins (yet). I do know several members on these forums, most of which are also registered and verified on PSXDEV.NET.

As mentioned though, after a discussion with another member here, the post count seems to be 1,000. Perhaps instead of having a post count limit that high which will aid in bloat on the forums and unnecessary remarks from other users, they could pay a fee to access the marketplace. Just my two cents on the matter.
The frustration was due to matching the post count limit but still being locked out. I understand the need for a post count limit (as I have it on my forums too along with additional rules) since it stop scammers, but there was no mention of verification in the information given to me on the Obscure Gamers forum. I'm not even sure how I can get verified as this topic went unnoticed by mods and I didn't get a reply from any admins (yet).

As mentioned though, after a discussion with another member here, the post count seems to be 1,000. Perhaps instead of having a post count limit that high which will aid in bloat on the forums and unnecessary remarks from other users, they could pay a fee to access the marketplace. Just my two cents on the matter.
I'm not sure what the post count requirement is myself.
I do know I registered here after you, but I do have access to the trade section (for browsing at least, I can't recall if I've posted in any of those threads).
I don't have 1000 posts.

So if the post count is now 1000 then it must've changed at some point but isn't retroactive.
You should've been more active in the 2 years since you registered, then you wouldn't have a problem.
I'm not sure what the post count requirement is myself.
I do know I registered here after you, but I do have access to the trade section (for browsing at least, I can't recall if I've posted in any of those threads).
I don't have 1000 posts.

So if the post count is now 1000 then it must've changed at some point but isn't retroactive.
You should've been more active in the 2 years since you registered, then you wouldn't have a problem.
Okay so the whole thing is just completely broken then or for some reason my account has been given incorrect permissions. I do remember having access to it at one point ages ago and I bumped a topic for a 'Want to Buy' (WTB) post, so perhaps the mods didn't like the bumping of the topic.

Otherwise, you might be right. They might change permissions for inactive users after a set timeframe. I'll contact the admins again and go from there.
Didn't even realise it was private, figured it was just unpopulated! I'll find out in 6 more posts I guess
Opening a Thread in Buy Sell Trade Works perfectly for me with Just a Bit over 50 Posts.
The frustration was due to matching the post count limit but still being locked out. I understand the need for a post count limit (as I have it on my forums too along with additional rules) since it stop scammers, but there was no mention of verification in the information given to me on the Obscure Gamers forum.

I'm not even sure how I can get verified as this topic went unnoticed by mods and I didn't get a reply from any admins (yet). I do know several members on these forums, most of which are also registered and verified on PSXDEV.NET.

As mentioned though, after a discussion with another member here, the post count seems to be 1,000. Perhaps instead of having a post count limit that high which will aid in bloat on the forums and unnecessary remarks from other users, they could pay a fee to access the marketplace. Just my two cents on the matter.
1. The permission needs to be manually granted, it's not automatic.
2. I saw when you made this thread originally, you had 1 post, which was this one complaining.
3. You then proceeded to spam until you got to 10.
4. The 1000 post thing was joke.
5. Anyone can enter their AG name, you're not special.
6. Your passive aggressiveness is very hostile. Don't try turning this around and call us hostile.
7. Don't think anyone cares if you're the owner/admin of PSXDEV.NET. In fact, being in a position of power over there and complaining makes you look worse.
1) Thanks for the useful information. I see you had to go a step further and make a bullet point list of your problems.
2) Incorrect. Other way around. I had more than 1 post count as I have used this account in the past, but the old topics can't be found (there's some sort of permission issue at play here going on).
3) Again, incorrect and it wasn't spam. I searched for relevant topics and posted wholesomely (someone actually noticed that too if you read above).
4) That's not something to joke about because it just wastes everybody's time and further derails this topic. There's a lot of troll based behaviour on these forums and it goes heavily unmoderated.
5) Yes, I was aware of that. I was stating a point.
6) There's a difference between passive aggressiveness and sheer frustration and your attitude is hostility and from your behaviour, dictation based.
7) I do not care what other people think about that remark as I was merely explaining who I was so I could get verified as you called me a scammer (and that I should be banned).

I've unsubscribed from this topic and I have blocked you because I really don't want to be notified about this problem anymore. I contacted the admins a few days ago, and I still haven't heard from them so we'll leave it there.
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I don't recall seeing any trolling here in the forums, at least since I've been around.
If I've overlooked something it was either removed before I read it or it isn't seriously bad.
I can't post either, when I first joined I could see the buy and sell forums but now I can't see them. I have over 10 posts but I still can't see them. Can anyone else see them
I can't post either, when I first joined I could see the buy and sell forums but now I can't see them. I have over 10 posts but I still can't see them. Can anyone else see them
I joined around 6 months after you. I have over 100 posts and I can browse that section, the subs and the threads in there.
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