N64 Does a compression patch exist for the Majora's Mask Beta or Debug ROMs?

Dec 23, 2020
I've searched and searched and I cannot seem to find one anywhere.
Might anyone have a link to one if it exists? Fortunately I have the almost impossible-to-find
Aegh by Zoinkity (as I'm the one that was on AG, with a different username of course and requested a
tool that could compress and decompress the Zelda N64 ROM's. I wanted to patch ASM GS
codes I made into it.

Anyway, I have tried to compress the ROM with this tool and it ends up at 36 MB. I have even
used the tool to extract the exception table from the retail PAL ROM and still it recompressed it
at 36MB.
Hey, I responded to your other thread. Unfortunately I still don't have a lot to contribute. I'm a bit of stickler for details. Hopefully someone else will have answers to these questions and be able to help you. Not trying to sound like a jerk, but clear questions will help the community tackle this more quickly.

I've searched and searched and I cannot seem to find one anywhere.
In regards to this:
Does a compression patch exist for the Majora's Mask Beta or Debug ROMs?
The compression applies to the rom itself? Runtime memory? If you're not sure, explain to the best of your ability. I have an understanding from the other thread, but people passing by might not.

You reference a tool. I'm lead to believe this is a tool available to the community. Can we see this tool? What is this tool specifically? What version are you using? It removes an exception table. I wouldn't expect this to take up a lot of space. What size limit are you hoping for?
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