SNES Game cutting off at logo then black screen issue


New member
May 4, 2021
Ive been repairing some snes consoles and have one im not too sure about. Ive been using madden 94 to test with so i know it works. The issue im having is the game will start up with the white screen and starts to say the E (EAsports), but the E will freeze, sound cuts off, and goes to black screen. Im guessing its a bad chip, but would it be a cpu or another chip causing this issue?

I have a donor board with other chips, but ive already used a cpu chip to fix another board.
Do you have the ability to test another console? Certain purists act as penny collectors and don't like to see carts cleans. Maybe try to get a high percentage rubbing alcohol (above 70%) and rub off the contacts with a q-tip.\

You state that you're working with a problematic console and not a cartridge in particular. One approach is to douse cheap cart in rubbing alcohol and continuously insert and eject it. By this, I, mean diyse the pins, Keep the slot open and let it dry for a minute. Rubbing alcohol evaporates quickly. Use a shitty cheap game. It shouldn't break the console or the game, but you've got to protect rare games.

This approach will cause grime to sink to the bottom of the slot pins. It might work, but the problem moves somewhere else. It doesn't disappear.
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