Gun Loco TGS 2010 Demo


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2019
The very first public video of my new channel, starting with a curious game called Gun Loco (available on March 1st releases thread).

I recall seeing this game back in 2010, and tought it was very similar to Total Overdose in artstyle and name, was surprised to hear that it was even a japanese studio behind it.

But i'll be frank, its not that good, it seems they were inspired by The Club and ended with a mediocre result, perhaps that's why it was cancelled.
Keyboard Debug Commands
F7 = Disable Hud
G = Refill All Ammo
F = Free Cam
D = Disconnect Cam
E = Teleport / Open World
V = Spawn Sphere / Rocket (A to ride, RT to ascend)
B = Spawn Enemies (Babies?) (Never Ending)
T = Swivel Cam
Space = Teleport Players To Cursor

There's other missions but I think the constant objectives from the demo break it, same with the fast travel. You can find accessories and different vehicles scattered along the maps as well as outposts with enemies and gas stations.
There's a whole open world, just press E
2020-03-01 10-32-16-min.png
then V to spawn the rocket but something blocks the cursor
2020-03-01 10-32-31-min.png
World Map (Pressing RB Makes the map areas glow green)
2020-03-01 10-32-59-min.png
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