This is just a basic guide for now, pictures to be added later.
- Dump HDD using normal dumping means. I.e linux dd or via hdd raw copy tool. (Make sure not to write to your main drive or anything important and make sure it's .IMG. DO NOT INITIALIZE TO WINDOWS! OG/Myself is not liable for fuckups.)
- Do not skip to dumping unless step 1 is done. Doing so can ruin all chances of saving data.
- Get an 8GB USB Flash Stick, Make sure it's formatted to FAT32.
- Make a folder named PS3 and one inside this named UPDATE.
- Download original 3.55 PS3 DECR firmware. the hash should be as follows: MD5::9085da7157e92fa59157676a429a7c1e | SHA1::b9a9a7cf2fbdbc836d05ece0b19e2e5b5c5a3457 | CRC32::B20A77B4 | CRC16::5996 | HMAC_SHA1::C36454DAD84EB490B1E85436F6A61B743AE32684 (We're unable to link this due to copyright sorry!) also do not mix up TEST/DECR firmware this caan result in a bricked system.
- Install 3.55 firmware as normal and downgrade.
- While downgrading grab Rebug DECR LE 4.81 firmware. (https://rebug.me/?wpfb_dl=180)
- As before upgrade to REBUG 4.81 DECR LE.
- Install REBUG TOOLBOX and dump the EID_ROOT_KEY.
- Install MultiMan, this enables you to copy the EID_ROOT_KEY to your USB stick.
- Now you will want too decrypt your image, https://www.obscuregamers.com/resources/ps3-hdd-decryption-tool-exclusive-to-og.2/
- Now you can use R-STUDIO (paid tool sadly) to recover data from the USF2 partition. Please note it can detect data that isn't there such as VP6 videos/VOB videos. It's best to disable those options.
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