Identify Game - Space themed single player FPS shooter where the protagonist is female?


Jun 4, 2019
Hi Everyone,

So I'm trying to remember the name of a single player space themed FPS shooter where the protagonist is female, and she has a drone that follows here around and keeps chattering about random stuff. I think this might have been a kickstarter project? I remember seeing videos of it, but I can't remember the name for the life of me. Anyone have any ideas?
Sounds like perfect dark but I don't think there was a drone or anything that follows you around so that's not what it is
Sounds like perfect dark but I don't think there was a drone or anything that follows you around so that's not what it is
Ya, this isn't it. This was a recent'ish game I saw for PC. They might have console ports, but I'm not sure. I also suspect it was a kickstarter project as well, but I could be mistaken.
Ya, this isn't it. This was a recent'ish game I saw for PC. They might have console ports, but I'm not sure. I also suspect it was a kickstarter project as well, but I could be mistaken.
LoL. I tried.... Good luck finding the game
Good try, but nope. I also remember that in addition to having a female protagonist, the game had these really poor vehicle sections where your on some rocket speeder thing and trying to race through sections of the map. And most of this takes place on some alien planet which the company (Your working for) is trying to re-claim or something after something makes everything go haywire (?)
Not that it probably matters to most people, but I managed to figure out what the game was called: Everreach: Project Eden
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