Investigating Acclaim's "QUAGMIRE" codebase


May 23, 2019
NOTE: Post is under construction. More to come soon.

I got curious and started exploring the sourcecode found in Acclaim's QUAGMIRE codebase.
QUAGMIRE was used to build games for N64, PS1, and Dreamcast, and contains utilities, engine features, and system-level implementations.
(It also includes the N64/PS1/DC SDK sources/docs within the 3rdParty dependencies folder.)

You can find a link to the archive here:
NOTE: I will find a good place to put the tools I was able to compile and link them here soon.

Below are some of the tools that I was able to get building + running.
Not sure why the rendering is so messed up.

ASCView.exe - A model previewing tool.
(Need to run with WinXPSP2 Compatability settings + 16-bit reduced color mode.)

ScrEd.exe - A user interface editing tool.

SMOSView.exe - An interactive user interface previewer tool.
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What exactly is it that you want to do? Document, archive, spectate, rebuild, etc?

edit: I've got an iguana v64 if you want pictures for the collection. Nothing special, but kinda fun.
You may get better results with an virtualpc and old settings. May Win98SE?

What? :D
if ( iDriveListCount > 1 )
    MessageBox( NULL, "Uh Oh, More than 1 CD-ROM so be careful!", "Acclaim Test", MB_OK );
else if ( iDriveListCount == 1 )
    MessageBox( NULL, "You are SO normal, you have just 1 CD-ROM.", "Acclaim Test", MB_OK );
    MessageBox( NULL, "You are below-cool, you have no CD-ROM.", "Acclaim Test", MB_OK );
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You may get better results with an virtualpc and old settings. May Win98SE?

Tried a couple different things with VirtualBox, but no luck yet. Might give it another shot soon.

What exactly is it that you want to do? Document, archive, spectate, rebuild, etc?

edit: I've got an iguana v64 if you want pictures for the collection. Nothing special, but kinda fun.

I'm interested in all of the above!

Sometimes I like to dig through code for interesting architecture, patterns, tools, and comments- like what GodlySnail found above :p
I'll try to update this thread very soon with recent findings.

I'm also really curious about the Iguana v64 if you get a chance to get a picture for us!
The Quagmire engine was also used for Turok: Evolution on the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube. :)
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The Quagmire engine was also used for Turok: Evolution on the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube.

Interesting! So the Quagmire codebase evolved across N64, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, and GameCube. Would love to see the implementation for the later consoles.
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