LittleBigPlanet Fans, Rejoice!
Obscure Gamers is presented with the opportunity to acquire a few PlayStation 3 kits that were very likely used in the later development of LittleBigPlanet's franchise, with a potential fourth kit available.
The seller is offering all three kits for £1050, with the condition of in-person collection. (@Damien will assist with this, not sorry)
The fourth kit was previously offered to someone else, however, the seller indicated that the deal might fall through, meaning we could secure it for an additional £400. This brings the total to £1450, before PayPal fees and transportation costs.
As a result, we are setting the goal as if we're acquiring all four kits. If the fourth kit is not secured, the last donors will be offered a refund or given the option to have their contributions put towards something else.
Here are the details of the kits:
Exciting Content: We have images of LittleBigPlanet 2 save data from 2012 and 2013. Additionally, we have a confirmed early build of LittleBigPlanet 3 from November 2013, which has debug features enabled. The earliest LBP3 build we currently possess is from September 2013, making this a particularly early version.

We’re accepting donations via Ko-fi. We have added £50 for travel expenses and counted in 5% PayPal fees, which leaves us a total of £1,522.50 (Roughly $1875.42 USD) to raise. If you wish to help us meet this goal, the Ko-Fi link is below. Thank you.
Obscure Gamers is presented with the opportunity to acquire a few PlayStation 3 kits that were very likely used in the later development of LittleBigPlanet's franchise, with a potential fourth kit available.
The seller is offering all three kits for £1050, with the condition of in-person collection. (@Damien will assist with this, not sorry)
The fourth kit was previously offered to someone else, however, the seller indicated that the deal might fall through, meaning we could secure it for an additional £400. This brings the total to £1450, before PayPal fees and transportation costs.
As a result, we are setting the goal as if we're acquiring all four kits. If the fourth kit is not secured, the last donors will be offered a refund or given the option to have their contributions put towards something else.
Here are the details of the kits:
- 1 kit: 60GB A00A Debugging Station
- 2 kits: A00J Debugging
- The fourth kit, if available: 1400A model
Exciting Content: We have images of LittleBigPlanet 2 save data from 2012 and 2013. Additionally, we have a confirmed early build of LittleBigPlanet 3 from November 2013, which has debug features enabled. The earliest LBP3 build we currently possess is from September 2013, making this a particularly early version.

We’re accepting donations via Ko-fi. We have added £50 for travel expenses and counted in 5% PayPal fees, which leaves us a total of £1,522.50 (Roughly $1875.42 USD) to raise. If you wish to help us meet this goal, the Ko-Fi link is below. Thank you.