Request Looking for info of V-Tech edutainment game consoles


Feb 23, 2022
I've recently got interested in edutainment game consoles, especially ones made by V-Tech. I know about the Socrates, Creativision, V.Smile, Motion and Flash, but when I was watching a video about the capability of V-Tech laptops, the youtuber mentioned that after the Creativision were several other consoles that V-Tech sold when they weren't big enough to sell their products directly in America. One of them I assume is the Socrates, but "consoles" instead of "console" got me intrigued. Any idea about what these other consoles are, if there are any? Excluding the Variety and the Gamate.
Update: Since I've posted this I've also found out about the V-Tech ProScreen which is a different version of the LCD Gamate with the same games, but can project the games onto a wall, and the V.Smile Pocket, a portable variant of the V.Smile, though it doesn't look like it would fit in a pocket.


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there is a Retro games shop in Berlin, called "freeman games". He used to have a ton of these VTech systems and games, my guess is he still has some.
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