MaccerX, Dasm-ftohex, bchunk and wavpack tiny: Windows NT 6.3 armv7, aarch64, x32, and x64


New member
Feb 2, 2021
Windows 8.1 console programs provided as is (see below for links). These were crossed over with llvm-mingw v11.0 on a RT 8.1 local host. For some odd reason bchunk built without error for x86 (32 and 64 bits) using armv7 wsock lib; resulting program starts without error on a x86_64 Windows 8.1 local host so decided to include it. You need 7zip to extract these.

Included armv7 binary copies without certificate patched in. Windows RT 8.1 users can optionally patch these programs with a certificate using a preferred method.

MaccerX information here

An unofficial update to MaccerX to build with llvm-mingw (update quotes with back slashes). This was built with llvm-mingw 11.0 on a RT 8.1 host. Code is included. Download here if your a sega-16 forum member, or from attachment at bottom (you need to be a member here at

Special thanks to forum member elmer for bchunk patch, and mstorjo github member for llvm-mingw.

You assume all risks and responsibilities.

Download at bottom of first post attachments here (you need to be a member at

Second download link to MaccerX at bottom of first post attachment here (must be a forum member)

If anyone can help me get the Sega DTS cds intact (complete iso or similar) please p.m. me. I only got a couple from a assemblergames forum member before those forums finished. Thanks.

Here's what someone previously uploaded but I don't know where they remain.
SEGA DTS CD (06-21-94).7z
SEGA DTS CD (03-01-95).7z
SEGA DTS CD (11-01-94).7z
SEGA DTS CD (05-19-94).7z
SEGA DTS CD (Unknown Date).7z

Also want vinyl rip of Metroid - Kid Icarus soundtrack funhouse catalog 07FA-1106: "光神話 パルテナの鏡 オリジナル・サウンドトラック オーケストラ・ヴァーション/メトロイド オリジナル・サウンドトラック オーケストラ・ヴァーション".

It's a lying question...
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