XBOX Modded Original XBOX, HDD/DVD Error. (Error 21)


New member
Oct 20, 2019
What's happening here? Original Xbox with Exexutr2 on it. Won't boot games or load the MSdashboard. 20191020_141510.jpg
HDD going bad maybe? I think bad sectors/read errors aren't covered by 5 through 9. Try a replacement if you have one, or at least a rebuild though even if that works it'll only be temporary.

Should go without saying but backup your shit asap.
HDD going bad maybe? I think bad sectors/read errors aren't covered by 5 through 9. Try a replacement if you have one, or at least a rebuild though even if that works it'll only be temporary.

Should go without saying but backup your shit asap.
Okay thanks a ton. I'll get it backed up tomorrow at my friend's place. Cheers for the help man :)
Though, how long is temporary do you reckon?
Thanks again ?
Hey, what do you mean by a full rebuild?
HDD going bad maybe? I think bad sectors/read errors aren't covered by 5 through 9. Try a replacement if you have one, or at least a rebuild though even if that works it'll only be temporary.

Should go without saying but backup your shit asap.
Remake the HDD contents from scratch, i.e. recreate the partitions, then put on a fresh copy of all the files... In hopes of any bad parts of the drive being recognized and marked/skipped throughout that process.
Seeing how you apparently can't boot anything, your best bets are a) putting the drive into another Xbox and doing it there (with e.g. the Hexen disc), or b) do it in a PC (with XboxHDM).
Honestly, if your time is worth anything to you, don't bother and just try it with a replacement. (Also, if the HDD turns out not to be the issue, you can just swap the old, untouched drive back in.)
The easiest way out of this is a new IDE (or SATA w/ SATA-to-IDE adapter) drive prepared with Hexen. You already have a Xecuter 2 chip which enables you to boot the Hexen disc, so just pop it in the DVD drive and set your Xbox up the way you like it.

cta - bad sectors aren't covered by any error. E5 and 6 are unlocked (5) and locked (6, locked to wrong Xbox), 7 is HDD timeout, while 9 is DVD timeout. 13 means bad dash files, 16 is can't set clock, and 21 means it couldn't launch the dash properly and showed this error as a result. (it's similar to 20, more or less)
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I've spent a long time modding and messing around with the original Xbox and I've never seen anything like this happen. I would have to agree though, the first thing I would do is replace the HDD and rebuild from scratch. Hope it works out, let us know how things go
For me this error happens when i use reboot to dashboard in one of tools in SlaYers utility disc 3.3 but not sure which
Videoumode switchdisk app most likely
other than that, i'm never getting this error anywhere else
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