Need help reviving a hkt-0120 (on various levels): GD-M, OS mode, Jumper settings?

Ok, so now I was able to flash my bootrom now with 0.976 - sadly it doesn`t make a difference, problems prevail.
(No OS mode booting, can´t access testmode, GD-M is recognized but can`t be properly accessed)

This leads to the only conclusion that there must be a problem on the hardware level.

As I can run samples via the DA though and flash the MB, it is not fully dead...
I am trying to reach out to Coolfox now as MetalliC told me he might be the right guy to talk to...

I prolly die trying getting this revived, just wanted to thank you again for all the advice so far and support and hope jointly we can figure out wtf is the problem (and how to fix it)
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Just to take a break... I got so frustrated with the Set5 that I comforted myself setting the Set4 up and running to make me feel good again...


Now back to the Set5... grml...
testmode: did you try with the rotary switch in different positions ?
Different positions run different tests...
It's me. Again. With actual progress news.

We took a look at the caps on the katana mainboard but at first sight, they seemed ok to us. So before going through all the work of desoldering them, I tried something else:

- I exchanged the DA board of my (working) set4 with the one in the set5 as they look to be fully identical, and now the set 5 recognizes the hdd (meaning Windows can actually read and write correctly on it under Windows). So first problem solved.

This leaves me currently with two last problems:
1. When I run GD-M check, the GD-Rom test doesn't complete successfully. The error from GDM.log given is:

GD-M Test Program is running...
Requesting Console Resume execution...
Requesting DA/CONSOLE Inquiry status....
Checking for debug support....
Testing Inquiry's console status...
The console is 'executing' user code outside debug stub (RUNNING)
Deleting created files.
Removing created directories.
Emulator Switch set to GD-ROM.
Failed Test.

2. I still can't seem to get the OS mode to output any picture, neither on 1.011 nor on 0.976 bios

@T_chan, do you happen by any chance to have any more detailed description of the 4 switch settings/rotary switch settings on this particular model? And what exactly does the slide switch do (which normally is used for flash protection, but as you said, on my board, this function is set to switch 4)

But hey... progress :) I am becoming more optimistic again. Sad part is that the other DA board seems to have a problem, but I will leave this in the Set4 for now. Future-me will have to worry about this after the Set5 is fully working...

And as always: Thank you and highly grateful for any lead or advice
I have no extra info about the switch settings/rotary unfortunately.

Since you have already been taking out the DA board, there is something else you can try:
the DA board has 2 sets of 10 pins, called "Main Debug" & "CDM Debug".
These output text that might give you some info about problems.
If you look at those pins with eg "Main Debug" at the top, and with numbering the pins from left to right & top to bottom, from 1 to 10,
you should find the 5V on pin 1, TXD on pin 6, and GND on pin 10.
Connect this to a serial console with these settings, and you should see the DA board outputting text:
Logic sense: positive
baud rate: 38400
data bits: 7
LSB first
stop bits: 1
frame synchronisation method: cursor A (set at first falling edge)

(Note - these notes date from a while ago, and I haven't verified this again)

Example outputs of a DA board in attachment - taken from a post of ioncannon on assemblergames.
"Main Debug":
"CDM Debug":
Ok, built a cable from a USB serial cable, attached to Main Debug
  • Pin1 to RI (which should be 5V)
  • Pin6 to Rxd (as you mentioned 6 being the Txd coming from the DA)
  • Pin10 to Grnd

    Put it all the values as far as possible:
  1. Logic sense: positive - no value in Putty or Device Manager to edit
  2. baud rate: 38400 - set both under device manager for the Com as well as in Putty
  3. data bits: 7 - set both under device manager for the Com as well as in Putty
  4. LSB first - no value in Putty or Device Manager to edit
  5. parity: Set to "None" in Putty
  6. stop bits: 1 - set both under device manager for the Com as well as in Putty
  7. frame synchronisation method: cursor A (set at first falling edge) - no value in Putty or Device Manager to edit
Trying to connect via Putty (first open Putty, then start the DA), Putty Terminal stays all black

Side Info: While the cable is connected, when I boot up the Dev PC, the DA and the GD-M aren't recognized anymore
I am using a different machine for the serial console.

As always: Any ideas?
  • did you test your cable with another device to see if the setup works ?
  • are you sure the pins are connected correctly ?
I suppose your yellow & orange cables are used for TXD (connected to your RXD indeed) & GND ? If that's the case, they don't seem to be connected to the same row of even numbered pins on the picture, which is strange:

Main Debug
1-5V 2
3 4
5 6-TXD
7 8
9 10-GND

- you might try with parity = even (found back some of my notes that mention this, not sure anymore what the correct parity is) -> but even without this change, you should have seen something in your terminal
that serial usb adapter you use?, i did the debug output with putty set4 and the help from T_chan before.
Thanks guys, travelling today but I'll try again tomorrow, maybe I connected it wrong
This is the one I use (VTOP USB Seriell RS232 Adapter)
And I was able to get a connection, but the terminal only gave me continuous 00
I think I read it wrong above (upside down), I'll try again tomorrow when am back home


So looking at the board as is on my photograph above, it should be


(I will set it up as follows: 5V goes to my adapter #9, TxD goes to my adapter #2, GND goes to my adapter #5)
(I will set it up as follows: 5V goes to my adapter #9, TxD goes to my adapter #2, GND goes to my adapter #5)
I don't think you need to connect the 5V.

Also, pin 1 is located towards the front of the devkit, pin 10 towards the back:

I personally use the UM232R for this indeed, since it works with 3.3V or 5V IO, and you can specify what voltage to output via a jumper.
(there are some DC dev hardware connectors that works with 3.3V, I think eg on the katana devkit mainboard, hence this interesting feature)
The RS232 specification seems to go higher than that (15V), so if you want to send data to the DA board, I'm not sure if that's OK. (I don't know if the ports are protected).
I suppose that should not impact your RXD/GND & that the cable should work...

Anyway T_chan know the most about DC dev.

That's nice, but there are a lot of people here & on dcemulation/dreamcast-talk/... that know a lot more about DC dev :)
Playing around with dc dev hardware is one of my hobbies, so I know a few things about that... ^__^
Ok tried my adapter cable on the other DA well to make sure, but all I am getting are weird symbols, so I now ordered the UM232R, I'll get back on the case once it has arrived.
My setup for the UM232R:
  • I put J1 on 5V (pins 2 & 3 connected), and I leave J2 on.
  • I connect the DA's TXD (pin 6) to the pin 5 - DB1 - RXD pin of the UM232R , and DA's GND (pin 10) to the GND pin of the UM232R.
For that I would need to disassemble my devkit again & reconnect it to a UM232R, so that would take too much time just for a photo :)
(you have a DA board with the debug pins connected to a IDC connector directed to the side of the case, which is not the case for my devkit... I just have pins, so I would really need to disassemble the DA board from the kit)

The text above is literaly what I sent to Jackhead a few months back, so should be ok.

Just take detailed pictures of your setup, and we'll be able to judge...
I already deleted the request as I was feeling stupid already when asking it :-)
All good
@T_chan did you figure out any more info about this interface since I last found out about it?

Wasn't ever able to get input working, just output.
Just the settings to connect to the TXD port (your posts were very... concise :)),
I checked the resistance on the ports to find/confirm 5V & GND,
I think I found a reset pin (J2),
J4 asks for a password if you ground the pin ("Enter password..."),
but nor me no Jackhead were able to send data to the DA board

I was going to investigate further, but as usual, I had to make place for other projects, reassembled my devkit, so haven't been looking into it since then.
J4 asks for a password if you ground the pin ("Enter password..."),
this is NMI pin, and it looks like NMI handler does nothing but show that message.
there is real password check in other part of code, for change date and SN#, it is 27071961

but nor me no Jackhead were able to send data to the DA board
wondering why... as shown on pic above - it hints you to send "CROSS" via serial, this will enable debug commands console

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