Need help reviving a hkt-0120 (on various levels): GD-M, OS mode, Jumper settings?

Re the boards:

At one point I switched the two DA boards but flashed them accordingly, so I think - if I am not totally got it wrong - that the one currently in the Set4 (wich was originally my set5 DA) is now running on the old FW hence the old version number. And the one which is now in my Set5 is the orginal Set4 DA board but was updated to the newest FW, so it gives me the new version number.

I did this because they looked pretty much the same, but only the Set4 DA was properly detecting the GDM, and my main interest is getting the Set5 fully running.

I now detached the Set5 original DA (running on old FW currently) from the mainboard now, but the result remains. I get into the debug menu without the need of a password, some commands from the "?" menu react, others don't do anything.
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Ok, I am focusing on the Set5 first.
Here is also my CDM Debug, and obviously the most important thing is to somehow get the OS mode running again...

Boot CPL Mirage
Configure BSC
Configure cache
Call main()
Constructing FAT
Constructing NTFS
Constructing File System

* New Main *

Configuring FRT
Configuring Xilinx
Programming Xilinx
Changed Wait States
Boot Number 394
Checksum b63887bf
Speed = 900
Status 00000000
Status 00008000
Version 2.9.1b
Built at Apr 14 2000, 09:33:25
DelayDebug OFF
EEPROM Checksums b63887bf b63887bf

EEPROM Checksum OK

Product ID : KATANA
SerialNumber : pcch20795
Test Date : 1998-07-27

Starting EIDE
Setting up Audio
Starting SCSI
Initer on 7
HD on ID 3 StartTime 2000ms
Waited 1987ms for HD
SCSI Bus has been reset
Scanning bus
Inquire on 0
Inquire on 1
Inquire on 2
Inquire on 3
3 codesrc
Inquire on 4
Inquire on 5
Inquire on 6
Inquire on 0
Inquire on 1
Inquire on 2
Inquire on 4
Inquire on 5
Inquire on 6
Negotiating speeds
Drop interrupt mask
Configuring HD
Configuring CDR
Searching for CDR on ID 5
No device on that ID
Failed to initialise CDR class
Unit 3 responding after 1 ms
HD came up :)
Disk read worked!
Assume FAT Partition Type [6e]
Disk [3]
Interrogating FAT Drive
Looking for GDM Primary Partition 0
PartType [0x6e]

***** Partition [0] not recognised partition type [0x6e]!! *****

**FATSectors [62208]

Reading FAT16 BootRecord from LB 0
[64] Sectors Per Cluster
Read all 243 Sectors of FAT from LB 1
TimeDisk. [64] DiskSectors per Cluster
Disk of 3970047:512
Disk streams at [2304] sectors per second

1817596 RAM bytes free

* End Main *

Disconnect/Reconnect IS NOT supported
SerNo. pcch20795
[Version [2.9.1b]]
[Built on [Apr 14 2000, 09:33:25]]
15522ms to boot
EIDE Door opened

Can you see anything wrong with this? (Besides "***** Partition [0] not recognised partition type [0x6e]!! *****" which I currently don't know how to adress but shouldn't hinder the deveice to boot into OS mode)
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Concerning the Main Debug output, one other thing that I could think of, is since it's very old firmware (3.2.0a), maybe not all debug menu options were already implemented yet.
Can you post a picture of the 2 boards, covering the whole side where the debug pins are (and telling which firmware version is installed on which one) ?

Concerning the GDM, I see that this one has version 2.9.1b. What's the version of the other one ?
I see that the GDM version (2.9.1b. - Katana SDK R11) is very new, while the DA version is very old (3.2.0a - SDK 4 or even older than that? don't know what this corresponds to - might be interesting to dump this before overwriting this - @MetalliC, do you have this firmware ?).
Usually the 2 firmwares (DA & GDM) are updated to the version of the same SDK.

Can you also post the debug log of the GDM when the HDD is connected to the working board ?
Will be easier to spot the differences.
Ok, I have switched the two DAs back to their original systems, so I have a Set4 now which should be running fine with the scsi2sd (I will verify this on Monday) and a Set5 with the Seagate hdd and with the initial problems again: HDD not recognized, and it doesn't boot into OS mode.

But I was finally able to pull the CDM and main logs of the Set5, and found the following:

* New Main *

Configuring FRT
Configuring Xilinx
Programming Xilinx
Changed Wait States
Boot Number 1103
Checksum b7369cad
Speed = 900
Status 00000000
Status 00000000

[Warning] in : Module 14 Code 10 Line 382 File main\main.cpp

Version 2.9.1b
Built at Apr 14 2000, 09:33:25
DelayDebug OFF
EEPROM Checksums b7369cad b7369cad

EEPROM Checksum OK

Product ID : KATANA
SerialNumber : pcsu01865
Test Date : 1998-03-18

Starting EIDE
Setting up Audio
Starting SCSI
Initer on 7
HD on ID 4 StartTime 2000ms
Waited 1969ms for HD
SCSI Bus has been reset
Scanning bus
Inquire on 0
Inquire on 1
Inquire on 2
Inquire on 3
Inquire on 4
Inquire on 5
Inquire on 6
Inquire on 0
Inquire on 1
Inquire on 2
Inquire on 3
Inquire on 4
Inquire on 5
Inquire on 6
* No Disk on ID 4 *
Negotiating speeds
Drop interrupt mask
Configuring HD
Configuring CDR
Searching for CDR on ID 2
No device on that ID
Failed to initialise CDR class
Unit 4 not present?
ERROR: Failed to find HD
[Warning] in : Module 14 Code 1 Line 566 File main\main.cpp

2155516 RAM bytes free

* End Main *

Disconnect/Reconnect IS NOT supported
SerNo. pcsu01865
[Version [2.9.1b]]
[Built on [Apr 14 2000, 09:33:25]]
13581ms to boot
EIDE Door opened

DA Boot
Configure BSC
Configure cache
Call main()
Flash Protection Check
Manufacturer Code = 04, Device Code = a4

Version : 4.9.0a
Built : May 11 2000, 08:52:57
Product ID : KATANA
SerialNumber : pcsu01865
Test Date : 1998-03-18

Running idle process
Start 1k load
1K stub loaded.
Console boot ROM called.
Waiting for response from the console
Time in boot ROM 997 mS.
Full stub loaded @ 0xac004000.
CPU debugging, in the monitor.
Type 'CROSS' to enable debug support.

So I would assume that this is at least something I urgently need to repair/fix:

[Warning] in : Module 14 Code 10 Line 382 File main\main.cpp

Any thoughts on this? I honestly have to say, I don't know which part of the DA this is or what would need to be replaced...

I am attaching the pictures of the Set5 DA as well.

PS: It might be that this is only related to the termination power of the SCSI HDD and has nothing to do with the OS mode, but even then it would be beneficial to fix this and then move to the next problem I guess...


  • SET5_DA_TOP.jpg
    505.6 KB · Views: 0
  • SET5_DA_BOTTOM.jpg
    432.3 KB · Views: 0
while the DA version is very old (3.2.0a - SDK 4 or even older than that? don't know what this corresponds to - might be interesting to dump this before overwriting this - @MetalliC, do you have this firmware ?).
right, it is even older. Katana R4 we have came with 3.4.0a DA firmware, according to \R4\utl\Dev\Codescape\HISTORY.TXT it have few minor changes from 3.2.0a.
in very perfect case - yes, it worth to dump and preserve, but since its not much different from R4's firmware and we missing corresponding pre-R4 SDK which may require exactly this DA firmware version - I think it's not worth to bother with.
TERM PWER fuse -> might be a cause of problems I suppose... since the DA, GDM & HDD are on the same SCSI chain, any problem on the chain might influence things.
Such a fuse protects the DA/GDM board while providing termination power, and can be blown if eg the SCSI cable is plugged while the system is ON (aka hot-plugging... never do that...).
My guess would be that the fuse is in that little white socket near the SCSI connectors, on the TOP side of the board (marked "FS1" I think), near the "Warning" sticker.
If you compare that with the photo I posted of a DA board, you'll see that mine has FS1 replaced by a component outside the socket, maybe sign that this has been repaired in the past...
(Not sure if it is a simple fuse or a diode fuse, in which case the direction is important if you would replace it.)

First step would be to check if the fuse is really blown or not.
I took out the fuse... Now where would I be able to order this exact pretty little chappie? Any leads?
I could probably remove the one from my Set4 DA and test the Set5 with that Fuse but I am worried I might end up with two broken ones.

PS: Of course I didn't hot plug any SCSI device, but then again, I did fiddle around with the kit quite a bit, so who knows.

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Before buying anything, first step is to try to find the datasheet for this piece.
Ideally you want to replace it with the exact same piece, or a piece that has the same / the closest characteristics.
With the blurry picture, it's hard to tell what's written on it, except 2A.

Typical steps involved:
and just FYI - don't use this as a reference, because I don't know if this was done by Sega or by an amateur, here's a close-up of my fuse:

(Side note - Playing around with the debug logs of my DA board...

Small fun fact: in the CDM debug log, there seems to be a counter that increases every time you boot the DA-CDM board:
"Boot Number xxx"
During the 3 tests with my board today, it increased from 969 to 971... that's a lot of reboots :))
Interesting! Didn't know there was a swappable fuse on the board. 🤞 it's the problem! Looks like your GD Mirage is working fine though.
Ok, so it took a few days for the Fuse to arrive, and replacing it caused the Fuse error to disappear, which is good... but:
It sadly didn't solve the problems:

a) OS Mode stays black
b) I can see the GDM Drive in Windows but I can't access it properly (though I know it should work as it works if I put the SD Card or HDD into my set4, so it must be something with the Set5 and not with the file system on the device despite of what the logs tell me)

New MAIN Log:
DA Boot
Configure BSC
Configure cache
Call main()
Flash Protection Check
Manufacturer Code = 04, Device Code = a4

Version : 4.9.0a
Built : May 11 2000, 08:52:57
Product ID : KATANA
SerialNumber : pcsu01865
Test Date : 1998-03-18

Running idle process
Start 1k load
1K stub loaded.
Console boot ROM called.
Waiting for response from the console.
Time in boot ROM 1853 mS.
Full stub loaded @ 0xac004000.
OS debugging, console running (resumed).
Type 'CROSS' to enable debug support.

New CDM Log:
Boot CPL Mirage
Configure BSC
Configure cache
Call main()
Constructing FAT
Constructing NTFS
Constructing File System

* New Main *
Configuring FRT
Configuring Xilinx
Programming Xilinx
Changed Wait States
Boot Number 1155
Checksum b7369cad
Speed = 900
Status 00000000
Status 00008000
Version 2.9.1b
Built at Apr 14 2000, 09:33:25
DelayDebug OFF
EEPROM Checksums b7369cad b7369cad

EEPROM Checksum OK

Product ID : KATANA
SerialNumber : pcsu01865
Test Date : 1998-03-18

Starting EIDE
Setting up Audio
Starting SCSI
Initer on 7
HD on ID 4 StartTime 2000ms
Waited 1987ms for HD
SCSI Bus has been reset
Scanning bus
Inquire on 0
Inquire on 1
Inquire on 2
Inquire on 3
3 bnddrrb
Inquire on 4
Inquire on 5
Inquire on 6
Inquire on 0
Inquire on 1
Inquire on 2
Inquire on 4
Inquire on 5
Inquire on 6
* No Disk on ID 4 *
* Making ID 3 Emulation Disk *

Negotiating speeds
Drop interrupt mask
Configuring HD
Configuring CDR
Searching for CDR on ID 2
No device on that ID
Failed to initialise CDR class
Unit 3 responding after 2 ms
HD came up :)
Disk read worked!
Assume FAT Partition Type [20]
Disk [3]
Interrogating FAT Drive
Looking for GDM Primary Partition 0
PartType [0x20]

***** Partition [0] not recognised partition type [0x20]!! *****

**FATSectors [0]
[8] Sectors Per Cluster
We only support the 512 byte sector size not [769]
[Warning] in : Module 10 Code 8 Line 514 File filesys\fat.cpp
Err, failed to reset file table?

2155516 RAM bytes free

* End Main *

Disconnect/Reconnect IS NOT supported
SerNo. pcsu01865
[Version [2.9.1b]]
[Built on [Apr 14 2000, 09:33:25]]
14095ms to boot
EIDE Door opened

And another log from my GDM test I don't understand but maybe someone of you will (DA test runs fine and give green light):
Hard Reset
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Media Removal Prevented
Media Removal Allowed
Write CD Switch = 1
EIDE Door opened

And I am not losing hope or giving up that we can get this fixed with so many smart people following and being active on this topic :)

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try recap and change powersupply , it big help to fix alot unknown issue ;)
Cool for the fuse.

My first step now would be to check the formatting of the drive (SD card) anyways.
I'm not sure if you can use the SET4 as a good reference, since it's much older, and the checks done by the system might be different.

How did you format the drive ? (which OS, which program, which settings (file system, cluster size))
Can you launch a program that shows all the partitions & volumes on your drive ?
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I doubt a bit it's the formatting, but will share data on this later - I tried everything (Fat16, NTFS, different cards etc.).

But if you look at the SCSI bios, I does find the GDM, it can verify the media in the bios, but when I try to format (already in the bios option), it gives me a SCSI error already before any windows stuff - so I am pretty sure it's a hardware issue in communication between PC scsi and the GDM...


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