New build of GoldenEye 007 XBLA leaked? (Video playthrough)

Looks good. Shame its been kept private for so long, if it was from pnet.
This is like my holy grail on Xbox 360! Mine is just not modded as I like to keep it stock for the exclusive online multiplayer games over Live. I just hope my FX8350 can emulate it. If this video is any indication of the state of Xenia emulation then I should be good to play this since I got the same CPU and GPU as that video.

Really looking forward to a release, that build definitely looks good. Was the multiplayer intended to be XB Live compatible?
Definitely it was. Perfect Dark remaster had it which is what they went on to make after the deals fell through with this. I own that game on 360 and it was a blast playing online.
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