Dreamcast NFL2k games echelon, need info about fake toc


Jun 6, 2019
At first I thought these games used some weird encryption or something but it appears its a toc trick?
If you view the echelon nfl2k isos (2k,2k1,2k2,ncaa) 1st session has every file of the game basically mirroring the 2nd session.
start lba of 2nd session in the area of 300,000.
The total size of the iso is enough to fit on cdr.

So my question is how do you create a fake toc?
A way for the filesize of each file to appear correct, but in reality its not? (0byte files?)
Did echelon somehow link the data to the 2nd session?

Any1 have an idea?
Im sure megavolt, neo, yzb, fg would know.
lmk because I want to mod these games with stadiums, uniforms, and difficulty settings from different versions etc.

It would be super cool to have pro teams play at college stadiums.
Difficulty settings of nfl2k2 in nfl2k.
Maybe college playbooks for pro teams?
Uniforms for the unlockable sega all stars etc.
Solved thanks to megavolt. :)
iso is data/data 0 lba
mkisofs -C 0,0 -V "NFL2K" -l -x IP.BIN -G ./data/IP.BIN -o NFL2K.iso ./data cdi4dc NFL2K.iso NFL2K.cdi -d
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