OG Xbox 720p patches


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Community Contributor
Jun 2, 2019
Here is a shitload of 720p patches for Xbox games. Not all work from 64mb systems, some require 128mb ram modded consoles to run. Just play around with them and make sure to back up your original .XBE in case it doesn't work for you.


Credit for this goes to Silverrock over at EmuXtras. I am simply sharing them here and making a thread for others to share their own hacks.

Yeah I noticed this section wasn't getting as much love as the others. So figured I would get a conversation going here that everybody should love.
Nice one. This will be super useful for the 128MB modded Xbox I've got in the post to me. So many of these 720p mods require the extra RAM.
Pretty impressive. Wish I had a RAM upgraded system, but I don't want to cannibalize my second Xbox for that.
Pretty impressive. Wish I had a RAM upgraded system, but I don't want to cannibalize my second Xbox for that.

No worries any patch posted by me in that emuxtras thread works on stock XBOXs unless stated otherwise since thats all I own. Lots of good games like Max Payne, GTA Vice City, Leisure Suit Larry, Marvel Nemesis etc done about 30 in total so far.
So wait.

I'm guessing the extra RAM is needed for the larger framebuffer. 480p->720p is a lot of extra pixels and if there's any buffering yadda yadda yadda.

But how is it using the extra RAM in the first place? I know there's that program that'll patch for resolution changes as well as doing I don't know what to "enable" 128mb of RAM in agiven XBE but I've never seen any reason to think any game is just sitting there waiting for that to be enabled so it can use it. Maybe something will see if 128mb=true, then debug_features=on but I haven't heard of this being a thing with a retail XBE at least.

Are these hacked to not just take up the higher resolution but also patched for 128mb usage? Or does it just somehow work?
Awesome,was trying this out not to long ago,was thinking of modding my xbox for the ram upgrade.

And here's a good list of what works.
Awesome,was trying this out not to long ago,was thinking of modding my xbox for the ram upgrade.

And here's a good list of what works.

I see some of them have comments about being tested on a fully upgraded XBox. Is there any reason to think the additional RAM makes a difference? Does the larger framebuffer automatically push out to use the extra RAM? I don't know if games are hard coded to assume 64mb or if the enabling of 720p just does the thing and it agnostically utilizes more RAM.

I can see the 1.4ghz upgrade helping with the additional work load though. Gonna try some of these out on my 1ghz XBox and see how it compares.
I see some of them have comments about being tested on a fully upgraded XBox. Is there any reason to think the additional RAM makes a difference? Does the larger framebuffer automatically push out to use the extra RAM? I don't know if games are hard coded to assume 64mb or if the enabling of 720p just does the thing and it agnostically utilizes more RAM.

I can see the 1.4ghz upgrade helping with the additional work load though. Gonna try some of these out on my 1ghz XBox and see how it compares.

I think it just honestly stresses out the machine with some games as they already are pushing the system to the limits memory wise. Just simply having more memory seems to alleviate issues from simply having room for more overhead. Logic would dictate that VRAM if anything should be what is largely more affected, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Sure it is working the GPU harder, but it seems to be able to handle these patches just fine on modded consoles. Ones with the CPU upgrades seem to help even more. I don't have one of those systems as mine is a 1.6 model so can't do the memory upgrade at least, but from what others have shown over on YouTube and at EmuXtras many more games are playable in 720p just from a simple memory upgrade.
I tried the Headhunter Redemption 720p XBE and while it *runs*, it does so poorly. Framerate is too low to consider it as playable on an xbox with only a 128MB RAM mod. It may run better with a faster CPU mod as well, but I don't have that to test and confirm.
Glad to hear that they were helpful to you! Enjoy brother!
Any patches for Half-Life 2? They say it works in the spreadsheet, but i can't find the patch and i can't patch it with ogxhd :( (it either gets mirrored four times in 720p or it just hangs xbox)
Hey. I saw you question in the google doc. I must have gotten that from a forum post either in assemblergames or on emuxtras respective 720p patch threads, and the post must not have had any more info because I always tried to save off whatever info there was (the actual code, the review, video/screenshot, etc). Sorry I can't help any further.
Hi, so when using these on the 360 the emulator cuts of sections of the screen to forcibly show only a 480p section of the rendered screen.
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