Saturn Phantom Universal not working


Jul 25, 2019
Hello there! I posted this in the "Help & Repairs" section of the OG Discord Server, I figured that I'd also put it here too.

Recently, I bought two Phantom Universal Modchips. One from RetroGamerStuff, the other from eBay. Due to the current pandemic, chances are It'll be a while before I receive my Chip from RGS. Last week I bought a Phantom from eBay & it arrived on Friday (May 1st, 2020). Well, I tried installing the chip in my Japanese Model 2 Saturn. Unfortunately, I'm having issues with the Chip. I made sure that I the Ribbon cables were secure. Since I had my while connected to my 2nd Molex pin, I was getting between 4.94 & 4.99 Volts on the Multimeter. I'm pretty sure that little bit of under voltage won't make a difference. The drive wasn't spinning discs.

After making a post in the Obscure Gamers Discord, I eventually found a Guide for installing the Phantom in a Sanyo Drive Saturn. I tried that & I wasn't getting anything on the Multimeter. Even after adding a bit of fresh Solder, I still wasn't getting power on the Chip. However, If I use the Multimeter by putting the Black Pin on the 4th Molex connector & put the Red Pin on the +5V Connector of the Chip, I'll get 4.77 Volts.

I'm putting this here, as I need help with this. I've narrowed my problem down to two potential results. Either, I'm doing something wrong. Maybe the Chip is defective. I'm not sure what it would be. Down below, I've included 4 pictures. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

Chip connected to PSU.jpg Sanyo Drive.jpg Wire connected to 5V Line on CD Drive.jpg 4 Pin Molex.jpg
Looks like a Sanyo drive. Have you bridged the SYO jumper on the Phantom?

Do you have the chip the right way round? its hard to tell from your photo.
Here is an install I did with the same drive:
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I just got back from work. To answer your question, yes. I did bridge the Sanyo Jumper, that was the first thing that I did when I started working on it. I do have the chip the right way around. 21 Pin ribbon cables in their respectful places. With the circuit board turned upside down. I also put some strips of Electrical tape on where the RF Shield wouldn't short out the Chip. (You can see that in the Picture with the Multimeter.)

On a side note, I did get my Phantom Modchip from RetroGamerStuff today. Either after while or Tomorrow, I'll install that. If the chip works, I'll talk to the eBay seller about getting a refund. If both Chips don't work, I'll probably get an ODE. Either the Fenrir, or TerraOnion's MODE ODE.

Also, I embedded the McRetro link in my post as well. That's how I found the +5V on the CD Drive.
Ribbon cable is upside down.


This cable needs to flipped over as shown in the image above, then you may need to flip the Phantom right side up or upside down depending on how your drive wants it which will be one way or the other. Just focus on the silver pins of the small ribbon cable facing up when inserting into the Phantom chip.

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So as I mentioned earlier, I received my Phantom from RetroGamerStuff today. I went ahead & marked the two chips. I also followed 8bitplus' Instructions from his site. As well as, the picture from Nully. I'm still not getting anything. From both chips, the Saturn Bios acts up. Usually, there's two Polygonal Squares on the main menu. However, those have been replaced with Circles. Initially on the eBay chip, Both circles were Pink. However with the RGS Chip, One circle is yellow, while the other is Pink. I think that rules it down to me not doing something correctly. Is there another +5V on the CD Drive by any chance?

eBay & RGS Phantoms.jpg Followed 8-Bit+'s instructions.jpg Saturn Bios not normal.jpg

After fiddling with the Ribbon cables, I was finally able to get it to work.

After fiddling with 21MB, I was able to get one Polygonal Square to appear. While the Red Circle was on the other part of the screen. After fiddling with 21CD, I was able to get both Squares on screen. I also popped in a burned copy of Donpachi. The Saturn is able to read it.

I wanna thank you guys for helping me with this. Not just you guys, but also my Friends on Discord. Thanks, Dan & Cyke!

Fiddling with 21MB.jpg Fiddling with 21CD.jpg
In the future, take note of the stock cable orientations and always remember to face the Phantoms cables with the pins facing up no matter what and it will work. Glad you fixed it.
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