Suggestion PS1 to NEOGEO or Jamma Controller adapter Open Source


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2020
PS1 to NEOGEO or Jamma Controller

This projet allow you to use playstation 1 controller (gamepad or joystick) on Neogeo AES or MVS This projet is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

You can build it by yourself for less than 15$ for MVS consolized

You can show the final result on youtube :

Step 1 : Buy the components
Step 2 : Assembly it
Step 3 : Program your Arduino Nano
Step 4 : Enjoy !
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That's about a $7 savings from buying the adapters that Tototek sells
That's about a $7 savings from buying the adapters that Tototek sells
No, at 15$ the shipping cost is include
The Final price is devide by 2 compared at tototek shop with shipping cost, it's easy to understand: It's open source
Even more savings if you buy the cable at half the price and just solder everything to a nano that's cheaper because it doesn't have those expensive headers. As a bonus the nano then fit's in a <$1 enclosure also available from aliexpress.

Not quite the same but the sticks you can use are open wide
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