PS2 PS2 disc tray replacement?

Oct 13, 2020
Does anyone know of a source to buy PS2 (fat) disc trays? I only need the actual piece the disc sits in. I saw tons of them online at various places (mostly UK sources) but they're all sold out.
Does anyone know of a source to buy PS2 (fat) disc trays? I only need the actual piece the disc sits in. I saw tons of them online at various places (mostly UK sources) but they're all sold out.
i got a spare from a v9 if you are in the states. should fit all fat drives
yeah v9 and v11 are not the same as a v7 ect as the tray moulding not the same sadly but i have a odd broken ps2 around the house that may have a spare but not 100% sure yet
OK let me know what version you have mate
there's one store that sells ps2 parts in the usa

How to tell the Version Number of your PS2
This info should be used for guidelines only. There are obvious similarities in the models
sold in all countries, however models do change a little from country to country.

This is the easiest version to check, turn your playstation over and if it has 10 screws on the
back (the screws are covered by plastic caps) as shown in the picture below, then you have a
Version 1, 2 or 3. If you have 8 then you more than likely have either a Version 4, 5, 7 or 9.

You can further verify this by looking at the Model Number and Serial Numbers which are on
the label above the expansion port.

10 Screws at base of PS2 Version 1, 2 and 3
USA SCPH 30001 Version 1 = Serial Number begins with U1
USA SCPH 30001 Version 2 = Serial Number begins with U0
USA SCPH 30001 Version 3 = Serial Number begins with U1 Date Code 1A
USA SCPH 30001 Version 3 = Serial Number begins with U2 Date Code 0D

8 Screws at base of PS2 Version 4, 5 and Electrical warning stamped on the bottom.
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U0
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U1
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U2
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U3
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U4
USA SCPH 30001 Version 4 = Serial Number begins with U5
USA SCPH 35001 Version 4 = GT3 Edition
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