PS2 PS2 Test Compatible parts


NZ PS2 Collector
Jun 4, 2019
Hey guys/gals,

A few years ago I bought a Test PS2 (DTL-H30002) & upon arrival I realized it didn't work.
I sent it off to a repair shop and was informed that it had a broken PSU, (I assume the Power Supply Unit ?‍♂️, they also didn't follow my instructions i.e. I wanted them to show me what was wrong with it instead of telling me), but there's possibly a few components that connect to this that could also be faulty.

Has anyone discovered a place that has repair parts for these? Or is it effectively a paper weight?

I'm in NZ so sending it off to get fixed is a little difficult.
The parts are the same as retail

Only things that are different are MECHACON, the ROM, and outside labels
The parts are the same as retail

Only things that are different are MECHACON, the ROM, and outside labels
No, the DSP is different, you won't be able to read masterdisc from OSD without the DEX DSP.
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