MD Sega Nomad brightness control sensitive


Jul 4, 2019
On my Sega Nomad. The brightness control is very sensitive. When I touch the brightness control, it will either get very bright or get very dark. I have to play around with it to get it stable. I am unable to provide pictures of the internals because I lack the 4.5mm tool. Thinking of replacing the screen. It's got that yellowish tint20210114_072008.jpg
Ive seen as problem a number of times over the years. Seems to happen when people set their Nomad down on a hard surface, which can impact the knobs overtime.

This is a classic indication of a failing wiper blade on the resistive element inside the knob. Hard to repair, but you might be able to find a replacement that works well enough.
I need to dig up the photos, but the parts you need to replace this are:
Nomad Contrast/Brightness - 50 K Linear - B503 - 3 or 4 pin - Single Wiper - 1 Turn. 16mm x ~2-2.5mm

You will have to bend the legs a bit on the new potentiometer, but its pretty drop in relpacement after that.
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