Sega Saturn: Star Wars - Rebel Strike Unreleased Beta

What other forum have you seen this on? I’d like to check it out. I guess I just assumed this was the first post about it.
All other places seem to be linking back to here. So far I've seen Sega Saturn:UK forums and Sonic Retro forums talking about it and linking back to here, so you are right in thinking that this is the first post.
That is very cool. The knowledge in here is so great. I love it.

This was done by the Sega Interactive Development Division of Sega of America.

The time line is very possible that the team that created Luxoflux brought the ideas over in 97. This Star Wars Rebel Strike build is dated 1/97. They had to be working on it for awhile before this build also and kept working on it much longer. I can get more info.

The final commercial project I can find that's credited to Sega Interactive Development Division is Garfield: The Lost Levels, which was released in February 1996. Based on the date of that Rebel Strike prototype, they were still active nearly a year later, so it's possible both the game and its creators suffered the same fate as the result of a single business decision.
All other places seem to be linking back to here. So far I've seen Sega Saturn:UK forums and Sonic Retro forums talking about it and linking back to here, so you are right in thinking that this is the first post.

From what I can tell, this was indeed the original source, though I've noticed a few other forums and even one YouTube channel referencing the information that was provided here first.
I tried both, torrent and direct download and it gives me error when try to descompress. 13 gb only in pictures? is the only thing i managed to see.
I tried both, torrent and direct download and it gives me error when try to descompress. 13 gb only in pictures? is the only thing i managed to see.

From the quick look there was a couple of ISO's still downloading will confirm soon and edit this post.

EDIT: The archive is corrupted.
EDIT2: Run the rebuild zip option in WinRar extracts what appears to be all data.
EDIT3: HiddenPalace have uploaded just the rom here:,_1997_prototype)
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The video looks like the game has some kind of texture filtering, but it's hard to tell. Probably not, since I don't see how that could be possible on the Saturn. Regardless, it looks pretty good for a Saturn game.
1,6 MB, is this correct?

I believe it was. It was under 2mb i remember that. The spike data rar is 8mb with all isos added.
Edit: the reup also has 10% recovery added incase of issues.
I tried it, can't get the speeder to move though. I am using Yabuse, and have it configured for the Sega Pad.

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