Prices of SNES stuff have been going up progressively for years. The pandemic has had the effect of raising the prices of almost all game stuff, as well as most other types of collectables too, probably. I'm lucky that I got most of the SNES games I wanted before the prices started to become stupid. I think about a deal I got once, that didn't seem like a big deal at the time, but in retrospect it seems like a ridiculously good deal: some time in the early 2000s, I got this SNES bundle from a yard sale that included the system, all of the cables, 2 controllers, and like 10 super desirable games - for $20 total. For perspective, just one of those games was Kirby's Dream Land 3, and it looks like that game is going for over $100 now. The other games were similarly very popular ones like Super Metroid and a Link to the Past. I got into collecting at exactly the right time I think - before it was cool, back when everyone was more interested in the newest games and the idea of "retro" game collecting wasn't really a thing yet. I feel bad for anyone who wants to get into this now who isn't rich.
One thing I have learned about collecting that's still useful even now, is that when you have an opportunity to get something you want for really cheap, you should definitely get it. Prices of a lot of things have gone up, but you can still find good deals on some things if you look hard enough. That's a big part of how I've built my collection - finding deals wherever I can, and over the years I've built up a pretty awesome collection. I also recommend going to places like thrift stores and yard sales.