AG Refugee Twimfy reborn


Jun 24, 2019
Hi all,

Another AG refugee here, I joined AG in 2006 as Twimfy however rather than carry over my old handle I figured it was about time I used what I use on almost every other forum and platform. I did request a username change on AG a few times but it wasn't possible...oh well.

Anyway, good to be here and it looks like this community is growing nicely. I look forward to taking part. Although I was rarely contributing to AG in the last few years, I've been craving the slower place and more in-depth conversation of a forum of late, maybe due to social media/Reddit fatigue. So I'll stop by regularly and contribute where I can.

Working on a lot of Dreamcast stuff at the moment so might have something interesting to share soon.
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I still lurk pretty heavily on S Retro but often feel like a ghost there. Nobody seems to ever engage with anything I write but then maybe that’s because I don’t write anything of value :-)
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