Dreamcast VVVVVV ported to Dreamcast by gusarba


Well-known member
Community Contributor
Jun 2, 2019

Release v2: https://github.com/gusarba/VVVVVVDC/releases/tag/v0.2

Readme by gusarba

Backported all the SDL calls from the 2.0 API to the old 1.2 API. It includes a simple "SDL2_stub.h" header file with some glue code. Instead of alpha-blending the SDL surfaces, color keying is used, which had a dramatic impact on performance, since all the blitting is done in software by the Dreamcast's SH4 processor.
The game runs at around 30/40 FPS most of the time. Saving and loading to the VMU is implemented, as well as a new small menu screen when booting the game to select which VMU to use (or to not save at all).

All the music system has been changed to use CDDA audio tracks instead of a binary blob file (which cointains Ogg/Vorbis files). Numerous tests were performed streaming and decoding music from the blob, but it was too slow and choppy.

The code also includes a quick port to the Dreamcast of the PhysicsFS library which the games uses as its file system abstraction. Newer versions of the port make use of a 'lost' SDL-1.2.13 version made by Chui and recovered by Ian Micheal to improve performance.

Also to improve performance, the memcpy routines of moopthehedgehog's DreamHAL library are also used. Big thanks to Ian for suggesting these improvements!
Yeah pretty cool game. I had it on Steam for the past 8 years or so. There was also an original Xbox port done this year as well which is pretty cool.
I just downloaded this game and I'm in love with it, such a great game design. Thanks a lot for sharing!
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