Wondermega RG-M1 Modding


Well-known member
May 31, 2019
I like to start share here a point of research and results about the Wondermega. I got a unit some days ago and first i was thinking the S-Video out maybe ok with a framemeister, but far away from RGB. So i searched on the web for Multimega mods. Well its a rare piece of hardware and i also dont want to mod the case with anything. So my plan are as follow. I want RGB out over 8DIN port. I think i will remove the useless RF out of the multimega and replace it with a 8DIN. Than i can use a MD1 RGB cable. Another point i like to mod is adding a switchless IGR board for multiregion MD side.
At the end i will recap and switch the belt from the drive. Infos about all this are really limited.
I dont even found a pcb shot of the RG-M1. So if someone else have information or doing something before, feel free to share here.

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So here the first shots of the internals.

Top/bottom of the MD board:
First look i dont see the normal points for multiregion MD side. One cap on the mosfets dont look good, so recap is not a bad idea.

IMG_0468.JPG IMG_0471.JPG

The AV board, should be np to do a RGB output here:


The CD side looks pain in the ass to remove, not sure im touching this, has 3 layers PCB..
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Well, I think I don't have used the good word :)
Unmount/check/clean/grease/remount better.
i finished recapp of the video and MD board. Also finished the RGB mod with Y Luma sync. Fixed the Drive belt.
Add the 8pin DIN for the RF port:


Ea7_2ZFWoAAoOOb.jpg Ea7_2ZFWsAEC9uO.jpg

The mosfet coolers on the MD board getting hot, but what i read this is normal.. Really happy with the result, perfect sound and picture using a MD1 RGB cable with stereo.
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Congrat Jackhead. Great work .
Bad_ad84. For what is used your mod? Rgb?
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