Preservation News

Fundraiser It's time for another fundraiser!
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Since our dealings with the Xperia Play 2 prototype, we've been contacted to save more unreleased games, prototype game consoles/dev kits and some really obscure/rare nintendo hardware that's not been document fully. Unlike the last lot, this one is split into batches and will be paid as each goal is reached in order from the top. We've got a PlayStation 3 devkit up for grabs, this contains 3 unreleased video games, and another 6/7 game alphas. Including games dated over a year before...
OG saves unreleased "PSP Phone 2" (Xperia Play 2)
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A week ago we launched a fundraiser for an unreleased PlayStation console, Today we're proud to announce we have saved one of two unreleased Xperia Play 2 phones, also codenamed the "PSP Phone" until PlayStation didn't give it's full blessings so it became the Xperia Play (also known as the Zeus in development). Things didn't go all the plan, the reshipper in Hong Kong told us DHL wouldn't insure it if below 5KG which seemed stupid, so we paid another £55 postage on top of the £170 we...
OG @ OLL '22 - Interview with Daniel Crocker from WAVE Game Studios
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New Youtube video live at 6PM GMT tonight! A small interview with Daniel from @WaveGameStudios, talking about a misprint mishap they had with Yeah Yeah Beebiss II for the Dreamcast.
PSP Duke Nukem Critical Mass
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We'd intended to release this weekend @ OLL 22' but someone else leaked it which kinda ruined our plans. Below is the compiled iso's, they only function on PPSSPP 1.1.1, you'll need to rename the eboot to function on retail, which'll require a PSP with 64MB of ram. The Wii builds are fixed thanks...
PS1 Gex Jr. (January 25, 2001 Prototype)
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A short demo of the unreleased and unannounced game Gex Jr. for the PlayStation.
  • Press Start for model viewer.
  • Press Circle for tongue attack.
  • Press Triangle to fart.
  • Press Square for tail spin.
  • Press Cross to jump.
The previous dump of this prototype had some errors. A corrected dump of this prototype was made with CloneCD free from errors. Available for download at
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Small update, Obscure Gamers will be teaming up with the team behind Console Variations on April 9th & 10th.
We'll be showcasing unseen unreleased games, dumping builds, repairing brutally murdered dev kits and more! If you haven't got a ticket yet, feel free to grab one on OLL's site!​
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