GC 007 Agent Under Fire Unused Mission


Jun 28, 2019

Been into hacking this one lately, and stumbled onto something that nobody seems to have acknowledged before. Basically it's an alternate version of the mission "Precious Cargo" where you ride a tank. More details are in the description of the video for anyone that's interested, but this is an entirely separate mission file leftover on the Gamecube disc. Sadly the mission is almost identical otherwise, but still pretty interesting (and fun).

This feels to me like something that would've been accessible via a button code (like the hidden race in 007 Nightfire), but for now I can't really confirm anything about it. Like I mention in the video description, could also be a gold medal reward that went unused.

As always, I like to make codes for other people to check this stuff out:

Found some new stuff in Agent Under Fire, for anyone interested:

Old HUD elements, and arm models in the multiplayer maps (normally never seen).
the mission you found is incredible! I would lean towards it being a holdover while Streets of Bucharest was still being developed. Also, with the heatseeking rocket appearing at the climax of this level, perhaps it was also a holdover for forbidden depths.

I really hope it's a secret cheat, though!
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