PS2 Comsoft v4 Fix Confirmed.


Jul 4, 2019
Hello all,

In reference to a previous thread I posted in:

Well after a lot of trial and error and with life getting in the way. I was able to finally find the mechacon pulse signal referenced as Point K on the Comsoft v4 slim laserfix. This fix is now able to be used for GH-023 and GH-026 boards. Kel was also able to use the subzero laserfix on these consoles as well, unfortunately I don't have access to his pics and he's not feeling so well atm.

As a note however, does anyone have a good looking service manual for the GH-026 board? I have one but it doesn't clearly show all the components that will need soldering to. All I have are pictures with my modchip install on them and it kinda obscures point K. Resistor is marked value 103, in what should be the GH-026 service schematic R609.

That being said link is here:

Dropbox link here:

This zip file has HEIC images for the v10 install just as a heads up. Folder size is around 108 Megabytes.

It also contains every single file used for the creation of this board on OSHPark (or use this link: ) Note size has been tweaked to allow for better access to L2 connection, mount the circuit board near the USB ports like in the original diagram.

As well as the service manuals for GH-023 (v9), GH026 (v10) (needs better pcb layout view), and the GH-035 (v12) PS2 consoles. The original creator of the comsoft fix video is also in here showing their PS2 slim working with this fix. Will probably take a video of mine soon enough.

I'm sure that this is everything needed to utilize this laserfix but if something else is needed please reply.

Hope this is helpful and lets wish Kel good health,
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Just tried this again on a GH-023. Fan spins when master switch is turned on for the power supply, consoles lights amber/green and eject blue light do not turn on.

Soldered directly to pin 78, pin 77, and the test pad referenced in the schematics.

This fix seems to only cooperate with the v10 Gh-026 boards.

Could it be something was changed with the mechacon bga chip?

On the GH-026 board, dvds still boot, but booting a ps1 cd based game or ps1 game causes the system to shutdown immediately after the tray closes.
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Going to make a start on this post while I feel up to it.

I installed the comsoft fix on a v9 PS2 a couple of years ago and it seemed to work without any issues. It was just temporary because my preferred fix was the subzero fix but I was having issues with the subzero fix on the v9 console at the time and wanted to just check if the comfost fix worked instead. I then found a workaround for the subzero issue and reinstalled that instead. I did take a test reading for the comsoft fix on the v9 at the time with an oscilloscope and it did shut down the laser coil within 50ms.

I'm not sure why it hasn't worked out as well on Haloslayer's PS2s as it seemed to do on mine and unfortunately I have not been able to delve back into the subject and help get to the bottom of the problem due to being unwell this past year.

Anyway I'm adding some images to this thread regarding mainly the subzero install for Haloslayer to try as an alternative and also anyone else that may be able to make use of them. These images were from 2 years ago and seem to be missing some diagrams or maybe I just never got around to making them so I will try to add what is missing if and when feel well enough but hopefully there will be enough there to get anyone going and prove that it works. This may take a day or so of editing to add the images and descriptions as I feel pretty drained at the moment and would prefer to take my time. I'll mention at the bottom of the post when everything that I have is all there and what is missing.

Comsoft fix installed in v9 PS2.

The yellow channel #1 is the INT signal, The blue channel #2 is the tracking coil and the purple channel #3 is the mute signal on of the LA6508H motor driver.

As can be seen from the readings when the INT signal (yellow) drops low, within 50.8ms the mute signal (purple) for the LA6508H drops low which then mutes the tracking coil (blue). The Comsoft fix also turns the PS2 into standby shortly after IIRC but I was only testing that the tracking coils shut down so I didn't add that signal to the test, besides holding 3 probes at the same time was difficult enough :)


Subzero fix installed in v9 PS2.

Image is of a 0603 1uf ceramic capacitor tombstoned on the 5v trace, then on top of the capacitor a diode going to the INT signal and a resistor going to the lifted pin on the LA6508H and then from there another diode going to a test pad which is connected to where the lifted leg came form. It's hard to see the tombstoned 0603 cap in the image but just for reference it's above the large 220ohm resistors to the right and under the blob of solder where the heatshinked diode and resistor meet. It will make more sense on the diagram in the next picture. It doesn't need to be a 0603 capacitor tombstoned like that. You're probably better off for your own sanity using a normal radial ceramic cap as long as the terminals are insulated. I just wanted to push myself and see if I could managed to do it with a 0603 cap without driving myself insane and throwing the PS2 out of the window :)


Below is a diagram that I did a couple of years ago for the subzero fix on the v9 PS2 with component values and orientation. Originally there were only 3 components for the subzero fix, a diode, resistor and capacitor which worked great on the v12 PS2 but for some reason when installed in the v9 PS2 the disc tray would refuse to eject. It worked out that the v9 would not eject the tray unless the LA6508H was muted first which would not be a problem normally as the PS2 would pull the mute pin low when the eject button was pressed. The problem is that we have now lifted the mute pin and connected it to the INT signal which was keeping it high but connecting a diode from the mute pin back to the original mute signal solved the issue anyway and allowed the original mute signal to pull it low if need be. I suppose it didn't matter so much on the v12 as the disc lid was just held by a catch and would be manually opened but now come to think of it maybe it would be wise to do the same for the v12 PS2 so that the motor driver IC is muted whenever the disc lid is opened.

The Comsoft mod didn't have this issue as it connects in between the original mute signal with a pull down resistor IIRC. Looking back now maybe I should have just done it with a pull down resistor but the diode seemed to do the job just as good. Feel free to try replacing the diode at the bottom of the diagram with a 10k pull down resistor which seems to be the case on the comsoft fix as I don't actually know if using a diode is ideal, it just worked at the time so I went with it.

Subzero-fix v9.png
The image below is the measurement of the Subzero fix. Same as before, the yellow channel #1 is the INT signal, The blue channel #2 is the tracking coil and the purple channel #3 is the mute signal on the LA6508H motor driver.

When the INT signal (yellow) goes low the capacitor on the subzero fix starts to discharge which is shown by the mute signal (purple). Once the mute signal (purple) reaches 1.5v or below, which seems to be the threshold for the mute pin on the LA6508H it then shuts down the tracking coil (blue). In this case it took 44ms for the tracking coil to start shutting down which is not a big difference from the Comsoft fix. This value can easily be changed though by changing the value of the resistor or capacitor of the subzero fix but I was happy with 44ms so didn't bother in this case.


Subzero fix installed in v12 PS2.

Same as on the v9 with the tombstoned 0603 capacitor but this time it was connected to the 8v trace, same as the original subzero PCB did. On top of the capacitor is the resistor going to a via that connects to the mute pin of the RS2004FS and also a diode going to a via connected to the INT signal. I didn't need the extra diode on the v12 as mentioned before but in hindsight it may be worth adding one so that the RS2004FS is muted when the disc tray is opened.

This install is a bit more difficult than the one on the v9 due to the small vias that you have to solder to and also a small trace that needs to be cut on the v12 motherboard. As before with the v9 install you can make things easier by using a radial ceramic capacitor. Also there is an alternate point for the INT signal but IIRC it is on one end of a 0402 resistor so still not much easier to solder to than a via anyway. Be very careful if soldering the resistor and diode to the vias as done in the image below because if you solder the via end first then all it takes is the slightest nudge and the via will rip right away from the board. Once it's all in place though it is a bit more sturdy. It would probably be safer to solder kynar wire between the components and the vias, don't say that I didn't warn you :) Feel free to probe the other side of the motherboard for more suitable alternate connection points. I didn't bother to check for any at the time.

The trace that needs to be cut is the one that comes from the via that the resistor is connected to. I need to make a diagram for this install so that it makes more sense...


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Thank you for the reply kel,

Gonna try this out just need to order some of those resistors and diodes. That soldering looks very impressive, especially the la6508 leg.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Stay warm and my continued prayers that you feel better.

Robert (HaloSlayer255)
Thanks for your support.

I hope that the subzero install goes well for you. If you want to test it then add a temporary switch between the INT signal and the diode and load a game. When you turn off the switch the game should stop loading, crash or freeze.

Merry Christmas and happy New year :)
Hey, I recently added a Modbo to my v12 PS2 Slim, and I've been looking for a good laser fix solution. I've read up on Comsoft and Subzero, and I believe from what I've been reading Subzero is probably the best one to install, but I haven't been able to get a source on what components are needed and where for Subzero. Does anyone have a link for it?
You need for ps2 slim:

-1uf ceramic capaticor
  • 33k Ohm resistor
  • 1x 1n4148 Zener diode (2x for fat)


And second one in better res (points K, L2, Vdc and you need to cut a track near L1 [after cuting it shouldn't be continuality between L1 nad L2)


I also highly recommend summ0ne fix:


Install only Rst resistor (first from the top).
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I made some slightly better res image just to be sure that I've understood subzero mod. Is it correct?
View attachment 11845

I made some slightly better res image just to be sure that I've understood subzero mod. Is it correct?
That does seem to be correct, sorry for the delay in replying.

Have some more GH023 and GH026 boards from eBay ready to attempt the matrix pic fix in.

emailed Kel, and I'm guessing the comsoft fix gave a small amount of false positives but he was able to get DVD and CD media booting. This confirms the points required for the GH-023 and GH-026 motherboard revisions.

Maybe we can make the K wire slightly thicker gauge or wrap with a ground wire to reduce interference.

Attached is Kel's v10 comsoft fix result. As well as how he has a testing rig set for the fat model ps2s.

Hope everyone remains safe and healthy in these times. Not just physically safe but mentally and emotionally as well in case anyone has any issues in their lives that are ongoing.

Have a good weekend everybody!

Edit 07.19.2021

Seems like on the v10 the 1n4148 diode caused an issue with Kel's system. It seems he now has to use a switch to eject the tray as the signal stays low. Perhaps the 10K ohm resistor is more suitable from the comsoft fix.

Not sure if the 1n4148 affects the slim ps2 in this way or not. Just thought I'd mention more findings.

End edit 07.19.2021


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Seems like on the v10 the 1n4148 diode caused an issue with Kel's system. It seems he now has to use a switch to eject the tray as the signal stays low. Perhaps the 10K ohm resistor is more suitable from the comsoft fix.

Not sure if the 1n4148 affects the slim ps2 in this way or not. Just thought I'd mention more findings.
Unfortunately it seems that I have fried the mute signal output pin on the mechacon chip. So now the PS2 won't pull the mute pin low so that the tray can eject. I first suspected the extra diode which I added exactly for this purpose but it shouldn't be the case really as there is a 33k resistor before the diode so the current that the mechacon mute pin has to sink would be very small. I was being very sloppy with the oscilloscope probes when I was taking measurements and happened to short the mute pin to adjacent pins a few times here and there so more likely that caused the fried mechacon mute signal output pin but I can't say for sure.

I can't see anyway that the 10k pull down resistor would work in place of the extra diode with the sub zero fix. It works with the comsoft fix because the PIC intentionally pulls the mute signal low if the mechacon crashes but I don't think that the sub zero fix works that way so unless I'm mistaken then the extra diode is the only way to allow the console to eject.

Thankfully it isn't absolutely necessary to add the extra diode on the slim PS2 as the console has no say on whether you can open the lid or not, it's just the v9 and v10 fat PS2 that refuses to eject the tray if the mute signal isn't low.
Hello Kel,

How have you been? Did you watch any of the Tokyo Olympics?

I'm finally getting the components to attempt the subzero fix.

Still have to reattempt making a qsb. I'm gonna have to retrace my steps from that old forum post. Still need to source a caliper to get measurements.

Will update later in the last part of August when the last of the parts should arrive.

Take care and meanwhile have a good rest of your summer!

HaloSlayer255 (Robert)
Hey Robert, not too bad thanks. I've never really been a fan of the Olympics to be honest.

Good luck with making the qsbs and also trying out the sub zero fix when the parts arrive. Let me know how it goes.
So guys if you are interested I made some time ago an article about all available fixes for ps2 fat and slim. Everything in polish, but I can help with translation. I collect almost all lost files from internet.

I need to modify the topic. I have on my hdd pupazzo fix 1 and 2, and maybe some others.

Here is lost vandrunen fix:

Here there are some good information too.

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Very interesting read. I wasn't even aware that the vandrunen fix existed.
Im back. So here I share with you some forgotten fixes. Pupazzo fix 1 and 2 (very simple), and some instalation guide of fix origa.

For now we can distinguish a few methods of fixing ps2


They turn off the console after mechacon crash.

- comsoft V4 (the best of all) - highly recommended

-comsoft V3

-Matrix pic fix

- Van Drunen pic fix (LOST, probabbly edited matrix fix with diode support)


- SUBZERO FIX - highly recommended


All of those fixes reduce high signal pikes in tracking and focus coils.

-summ0ne fix ( highly recommended) - for better media reading use only tracking resistor.

- matrix diode fix (not recommended, its just uneffective) It works only when you have "303" value resistors on tracking and focus coils, but still I dont recommend it.
diode fix tylko R 303.jpg
- 6 diodes matrix fix. It uses 6 diodes instead of 8. Purpose? Better media reading probbably. Use only when you have 303 value resistors.

- FIX ORIGA --- who knows what it was? We got only some pictures of installation, and user guide of revolution fix. We can decode resistor values. There is some sort of diode and capacitor....

I found some info in spanish forum topic: Probabbly ours values are: R1=0, R2=33K, R3=470k, C1=100nf y D1=A6


* RESETTABLE FUSE FIX * - something forgotten

- Replece PS11 fuse with resettable one 400 or 500 mA. It should protect RS2004 chip.


Install 2 fuses resettables 100mA on RS2004 outputs traces which goes to coils.


Its the same like above but fuses are located on laser ribbon cable.




- ROMEO FIX for ps2 FAT

-summ0ne fix for ps2 fat

-Puppazo fix 1 and 2


and maybe some others....

Great source topic:

Report from Ripper team:

Report from Matrix team:

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Cool, even more laser fix info that I wasn't aware of :)

Maybe one day I'll even get around to finishing my post which has been TBC for nearly a year now :) Although I think xzerPL has covered the missing bits so no rush.
Thanks for quick reply. I was preserving those fixes since a few years now. V12 slim console is my favourite one. I always build in an ATA-SD adapter. By the way I think we collected together all available fixes from the past. This spanish forum was helpful. As I speak fluently spanish, I was able to read opinions, problems. Origa fix is a discovery from 3 days ago. Before that I knew that this only existed, but I didnt find any photos or values. I must prepare new diagrams for it, but still I have little knowledge of efficency. Interesting fact is that Italian O2 modchip team prepared it.
For now I can say for sure:
- Diode fixes are unefficient and causes media reading problem.
-Van Drunen fix is also unefficient and causes media reading problem.

-Origa fix - I dont know...
-Resettable fuse fix, sial fix - I read mixed opinions. Somtimes people confirmed that this work, sometimes not.
  • Te OBSERVO voltage fix - I know nothing about it.
  • Pupazzo fix 1 - it only better cooling method
-Pupazzo fix 2 - this seems to be useful. This little switch can provide MECHACON to crash.
- Romeo fix - seems to do nothing at all. Sure it drops voltage from 12 to 5, it provide also lower temperature on LA chip, but still no protection here.

At the end, I can recommend:

For PS2 FAT V9-V10:

Comsoft V4 + summ0ne resistor
Subzero + summ0ne resistor

For PS2 slim V12:
Comsoft V4 + summ0ne resistor + pupazzo 2 (switch shortage)
Subzero + summ0ne resistor + pupazzo 2 (switch shortage)
Great stuff. I haven't had time to read in depth and I would need to find a way to translate pdf files for some of them but it's good that they are here for future reference.

The thought sometimes crosses my mind that I would like to try to reverse engineer the official sony fix on the v13 one day, can't say for sure that I would succeed but it's always been something that I would like to try if my health was better and I still had the interest by then.

At the end, I can recommend:

For PS2 FAT V9-V10:

Comsoft V4 + summ0ne resistor
Subzero + summ0ne resistor

For PS2 slim V12:
Comsoft V4 + summ0ne resistor + pupazzo 2 (switch shortage)
Subzero + summ0ne resistor + pupazzo 2 (switch shortage)

That is pretty much the same conclusion that HaloSlayer255 and I came to apart from the pupazzo 2 fix that we weren't aware of at the time. I have not heard from HaloSlayer255 for a while, I have tried to contact him recently to let him know about the extra fixes that you have posted but I haven't received a reply as of yet.
Comsoft / subzero and summ0ne were considered as the best fixes in the end of life of 7000x models. When 7500x arrived people started to forgot those fixes. For us most interesting is Van Drunen and Origa. At beginning Van Drunnen was like bulletproof protection, with the time comsoft and summ0ne gained more popularity. Origa as italian fix was popular on south of Europe and maybe latin America. I dont know what expect from this fix. Its just unknown. I heard that Van drunen do not protect at all, and make cd reading worse. I will study more.

I will try soon translate as much as I can from spanish to english.

To understand burning laser symptome I recommend to read a ripper team report 0.96. Available above.
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