Dreamcast without sega or windows ce logos on case


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2019
Here we appear to have a Japanese dreamcast without the sega or windows ce logos on the front. The case doesn't appear to be modified to remove the logos. Maybe this is old news or not noteworthy, but this is the first time I've seen a retail dreamcast without the logos so just wanted to share for other interested sega fans and collectors.




Many more screenshots, including the type of retail box it came in.
I'm skeptical because I've also never seen one without the logo. But it looks legit...
Not a surprise, but prototype dreamcasts didn't have the logo

The fact that this is not a prototype and came in a retail package is supported somewhat by the matching serial numbers on the console sticker and on the box (granted the box serial number is a sticker stuck on the box).

It also seems unlikely the logos were scraped off with a magic eraser since the console is somewhat yellowed, and I've seen other dreamcasts people have used a magic eraser on and the logos were still vibrant.
Here we appear to have a Japanese dreamcast without the sega or windows ce logos on the front. The case doesn't appear to be modified to remove the logos. Maybe this is old news or not noteworthy, but this is the first time I've seen a retail dreamcast without the logos so just wanted to share for other interested sega fans and collectors.




Many more screenshots, including the type of retail box it came in.
replica shell maybe?
No one made replica white shells as far as I know, and it's too yellowed to be a new, recently manufactured replica shell
Just to see if I could find a second one - I looked through several hundred white Japanese dreamcasts that are currently for sale on ebay or which sold in recent months. I found no others that lacked the logos.

Can anyone date this dreamcast from the serial number or box/package? Was it from the beginning, middle or end of the DC's production run?
Could it maybe have been an Asian territory released dreamcast rather than one for the Japanese market? I've heard of console manufacturers basically using Japanese consoles for official releases in Hong Kong or Philiphines, but maybe they thought there would be some legal liability to including the windows ce logo when releasing in those territories, like if it were not covered by whatever contract they had with Microsoft to put the logo on the console in the US, Europe or Japan.
For the serial number, first two numbers are manufacturer (02 = Sanwa Denki)
Third number is the year of manufacture. 9 = 1999
Seiyo, Asahi, TKR all made earlier models in 1998, so it's not a super early revision

according to T_Chan's website, 670-14071D is a standard type 2 Japanese console
The Asian revisions he lists are 670-13624A and 670-14146A, so it's not that either. Hmm
Its sounding more and more likely that maybe the decal printing machine just malfunctioned for a few hours at the factory and a small batch simply didn't get the decals.
That sounds as likely as anything. Perhaps the previous owner used a solvent cleaner, noticed he accidentally smeared them, and then went whole hog to make them disappear because it would look better to have no decal than to have a smeared decal.

Wonder if the cleaner would work for the sega sports logo on the black US sports DC...
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