X360 Fable III (Aug 25, 2010) [JAP]


Sep 18, 2019
I figured I could start this thread. This build seems to be packed full of demos and maps that aren't accessible within the current debug menu, so I think there's a lot to find. I'll kick this off with how to make the game language be English...


English Hack
It's pretty simple. Remove the underscore from this folder name /data/language/_en-uk so it will be en_uk Thanks @Borman for that.

Debug Menu
Press the back button. You can enable free cam in Game>ToggleFreecam press the start button when in Freecam to spawn the player at that location.

Next thing I'm going to try is loading the test maps and other demos.
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Okay I got it loading some of the test maps. I started with a PVP map, as far as I know Fable III didn't ship with a pvp mode? I'll admit I've never played it...

Debug Console
Plug a USB keyboard into your XDK Press the tilde ` to open the console

Before these commands work you will need to start one of the demos in the main debug screen. Then the Debug command functions will work.

You can see in the screenshot below I used the command Debug.LoadLevel('Fable3', 'pvp_gui\\pvp_frontend', ''); so pretty clearly the arguments this function takes are something like Debug.LoadLevel(WORLD, MAP, SPAWN); From what I can tell it's not case sensitive.

There looks to be quite a few things that could get loaded that are test maps and potentially not otherwise accessible. You can figure out their world and map paths based on the file locations inside data/worlds





a cool looking staircase leads to a chest with a ton of gold and some funny dev placeholder text in a note :)


Some of the other maps gave me height map errors and fail to load. If anyone else loads any interesting maps or any other worthwhile console commands post them here!
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Here's what I have.

Keyboard Bindings:
Esc = Pause
W,A,S,D = Character Movement
Up,Left,Down,Right = Camera Movement
P = Pause (Freeze Frame)
R = ???
Delete = Detach Camera
1 = Firearm Pose / Attack
2 = Melee Weapon Pose / Attack
F10 = Teleport to Objective / Waypoint

It outputs info to Watson, has Fable 2 map names in Albion (Not inside worlds)
References Project Natal (Kinect), Early Textures, Models and UV Mapping.
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