Help with Trinity XDK


Jul 23, 2019
I hate to even ask but if anyone has a bin formatted nand for a trinity xdk, please PM me. I’m in the process of attempting to fix one and am fresh out of clean xdk trinity nand copies. Basically I’m attempting to repair a 0022 kit. I’ve done this before. If I can nail down how to do this official, we can all help each other for those in similar situations.
I don't have a trinity nand image to share, however when reading through xebuild documentation I found this:

Devkit image building:
This feature is currently considered Beta/Work In Progress.

A new image target type was added, "-t devkit" which builds 64M flash images for devkits. Currently untested,
building with a 00 filled CPU key will create a zeropaired devkit image that may allow one to boot a software
bricked devkit that one does not know the CPU key for and recover it to an operational state. By powering on
the console with such an image present, with a recovery DVD in the drive, the recovery software should be able
to create a new keyvault, re-pair the DVD drive to the new keyvault, and allow normal operation once complete.

Normal devkit image building when one does know their CPU key and thus has security files and keyvault should
work as expected.

Building devkit for glitch/jtag is also possible using the standard -t glitch/jtag methods. Sample ini
have been provided with this release, but will not work unless patches and files are supplied. Note that devkit
is not our focus, but was relatively easy and straight forward option to supply for those that wish to make
use of it.

So theoretically you could build a zeropaired image and flash it on the kit and then boot a disc based recovery, I guess?
I am not sure if you tried this already, but if you did not then maybe give it a try
if you have the cpu key i may be able to help. If not iv heard you can flash trinity rgh2 .ecc and get the cpu key like that.
I’ll try the xebuild thing. I don’t have the CPU key. Long ago I had a trinity do this 0022 and it was not the PNET ban thing that some people had happen back in the day. In my situation back then I had downgraded a slim too far down by accident and it corrupted the nand. The way I eventually fixed it, as odd as it sounds, was to flash the system using a Nand-X and a copy of a different trinity xdk nand. It made the fans go super high. Then I reflashed the original nand and it took a recovery disc then and only then. I’m trying to do the same but this trinity is odd. When I connect my JR Programmer to the stress cables the software either thinks the nand on it is a jasper BB or the nand itself is.

Trying to zero pair an image made things go even wonkier. When I attempted to build an image from nothing, a trinity image made the fans go nuts and still 0022. Then trying a jasper big block image made the fans go back to normal. Neither took a recovery disc.

it’s weird for sure. Those were retail images of course because I wasn’t aware of the xebuild having a devkit method so I’ll try that next.
to rebuild a corrupted devkit nand. You would need a donor nand with the exact file size from the exact dev kit type plus the donor cpu key.

Then you can try to use xebuild to rebuild a zero paired devkit nand Image to get the console to boot to Mfg mode.

otherwise you are lost.
to rebuild a corrupted devkit nand. You would need a donor nand with the exact file size from the exact dev kit type plus the donor cpu key.

Then you can try to use xebuild to rebuild a zero paired devkit nand Image to get the console to boot to Mfg mode.

otherwise you are lost.
Yeah that’s where I’m at hence my asking for a donor.
PM me buddy. I can get ya a trinity nand with CPU key
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