Japanese Launch Console differences.


NZ PS2 Collector
Jun 4, 2019
Hi guys/gals,
I've been a massive PS2 collector for nearly 10 years now, (was an active pat of AG for years).

My question is, can anyone explain the differences between the SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000, & SCPH-18000 motherboard names i.e kisarazu etc.

I know that's the provence of Japan where it was built, but are there any that are better than others, i.e longevity or region restricted etc.

I vaguely remember a post on AG about it, but didn't really pay much attention to it at the time.

***On a side note***
Loving the new site, I'm really glad that the community has pulled together like it has to preserve the greatness that was once ASSEMblergames.
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To quote what SP193 has told me before,

"There were 3 models that Japan only had to itself, which were the SCPH-10000, SCPH-15000 and SCPH-18000.
The SCPH-10000 was the first PS2 ever (GH-001, A-chassis). There were at least two versions of them, with at least different ROM versions. The SCPH-15000 has a GH-003. It was still considered an A-chassis.

The SCPH-18000 seemed to be Sony's way of expanding its stock of obsolete components. It existed after the GH-004 SCPH-30001. There were two models for this: A+ chassis (GH-003 with a daughterboard connected) and an AB chassis (GH-008). The US SCPH-30001 was a B-chassis, so the AB chassis was a hybrid. As with everything else that was mass-produced, these consoles were produced by various factories (known as EMCS).

Most Japanese plants were owned by Sony, but some were 3rd party OEMs (e.g. SOLECTRON). Most of these early PS2s seem to come from Sony Kisarazu and Sony Minokamo. Fewer of them seem to be from Sony Kohda. Solectron manufactured some of the SCPH-18000 sets. Later PS2s also came from overseas manufacturers, like Foxconn. Of course, there are possibly other manufacturers that made the PS2, other than these few I've mentioned."

Hopefully that clears some things up.
So I'm basically trying to figure out what the rarer of the machines are.

Kohda looks to be the one.

I've got all 3 of the launch models now, & will have to see where they were made when they arrive.

Thanks Gameboi64 for the info.
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I have an SCPH-10000 that was manfactured in Kisarasu. An interesting thing about this system is that the launch PS2s supposedly had drives that were highly prone to failing, but mine still works fine even after using it for years. It does seem a little slow, but other than that it works normally. I don't use it as much as my American PS2 though, so that probably helps. If you want to know anything about my particular system, I can check - although I can't do much testing of it currently because I don't have a usable monitor for it at the moment. That's only temporary, though; eventually I'll be able to use it again.
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