Pleasant surprises- Games you didn't expect you'd like but did.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2019
With PSN and XBOX live giving games away and maybe the occasional blind buy I think more and more random games are being played we otherwise wouldn't have.

Here are a few:

Giga Wreaker Alt- Game freak made a Metroidvania where you're schoolgirl Tetsuo. There are some design problems but it's otherwise well made.

Power Rangers Battle for the Grid- It's a slower paced Mahvel. I'm having fun with this.

Downwell- kind of an inverse shmup/run and gun that looks like an old 7800 game. It was free on PSN, then the dev got hired by Nintendo. I bought it on Switch as I enjoyed it that much.

Xenocrisis- This one impresses me immensely. They pulled off a Twin Stick shooter on the Megasis. Not only that, they got it looking pretty close to a Neo Geo game.

Broforce- another Run and Gun PS+ freebie I want to buy rather than just take the freebie. The refereces are hilarious, it's very VERY difficult and over all very well made.

Nangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun- Total Blind buy on Super Famicom that impressed me. It's very well done and not a game anybody really talks about. Kidshoryuken has the only Youtube video talking about it and that was made very recently.
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Overcooked on the Switch is really fun with local co-op. Looks and sounds stupid of a game, but it’s not! Going to check out the sequel soon, both are on sale on the eShop. My favorite character is a raccoon chef in a wheelchair. :cool:
CrossCode. I bought it and liked it. As I got into it, I realized it's pretty much a sci-fi Legend of Zelda. I do not like Zelda, so it surprised me how much I'm loving it. The pixel art is gorgeous, music is good, puzzles are alright, difficulty is what you would expect from the 16-bit era. I refuse to touch the difficulty slider and am just going through in normal mode. **** the temple bosses. 10/10
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