PS3 Overheating / Shutdown


Mar 9, 2020
I have recently reflowed my FAT PS3 because it was having the YLOD, but it is having the same issues with overheating and shutting down, before it stopped working. I've noticed that my PS3 power supply is getting really hot even at just the XMB screen. Could it be a bad power supply?

80 GB Motorstorm Edition, (CECHE01)

I am using Artic Silver for thermal paste, applied with credit card for even coat.

My PS3 also gives me this error code when trying to run Motorstorm, (80010514). My blue ray drive could be going bad but that's an issue for another thread.

Thank you all!
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"applied with credit card for even coat. "
This is actually counterproductive, when you put a "pea-sized" dab and press the heatsink down, it creates an even layer. These consoles are just terrible for cooling, if I recall correctly, I figured to use something called MultiManMod or such and keep the fans running at maximum capacity and even then it was sketchy. I get that the design is awesome, but the Slim is the better option in my opinion because of the cooling issues at best.
I was thinking about getting another PS3 anyway. I thought about getting a regular slim because you can still install custom firmware on them, but then PS3Hen is just as good in a few ways because it enables the use of homebrew, if you own a super slim. PS3Hen is modified firmware, but apparently it's missing certain things that custom firmware like REBUG has. Still though if I can get this Titan fully operational that would be awesome! I forgot to mention that I have the backwards compatible 80 GB (CECHE01), it was my first and only PS3.
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From a little research, the issue is a couple of things. It's the position of the power supply, and poor airflow. The power supply is an original ZSSR5391A PSU, which is rated for 380 watts, that which sits right on top of the CELL BE, and then it being on the opposite side of the motherboard is unable to get airflow from the fan. This is where I got my information .
Well after messing around I believe the issue may not be overheating at all. The only game I tested was God of War III and it shutdown on me at the very start of a new game, in the first cut scene. I got scared, assumed it overheated and decided not to test it anymore but other games seem to run fine without failure. When my PS3 shuts off I get 3 beeps, and a blinking red light. This happens at the same spot in God of War III every time. Killzone III is unreadable and Motorstorm throws an error code. The blue ray drive may need to be replaced but at this point I'll just buy another PS3. I just like this system so much because it's backwards compatible. I'm gonna practice installing CFW on my FATTY.
just install cfw to it and then webmanmod which enables custom fan modes and also if you press start+select in xmb it shows temps
In fact I'm having trouble with the firmware now. When I check my dump with PyPS3Checker, I get 3 warnings. I've updated to the official 4.85 firmware and have reinstalled the 4.85 HFW multiple times.


PyPS3checker v0.10.x. Check log.

Checked file : C:\Users\Adam\Downloads\PS3\PyPS3checker-standalone-package_2020-02-01_131319\dump.hex

******* Getting flash type *******
Flash type : NAND (partial dump, 239MB)

******* Getting SKU identification datas *******
idps = 0x03
metldr0 = 0xEDE0
metldr1 = 0x0EDA

Matching SKU : OK
CECHCxx (COK-002)
Minimum version 1.00

******* Getting SDK versions *******
ROS0 : 485.000
ROS1 : 485.000

******* Checking Header_Magic *******
002.01 Header Magic 0x00 Filled Area 0 : OK
002.02 Header Magic : OK
002.03 Header Magic 0x00 Filled Area 1 : OK

******* Checking flash_region_table *******
003.01 Flash Region Table Header : OK
003.02 asecure_loader Offset - Length : OK
003.03 asecure_loader Name : OK
003.04 eEID Offset - Length : OK
003.05 eEID Name : OK
003.06 cISD Offset - Length : OK
003.07 cISD Name : OK
003.08 cCSD Offset - Length : OK
003.09 cCSD Name : OK
003.10 trvk_prg Offset - Length : OK
003.11 trvk_prg Name : OK
003.12 trvk_pkg Offset - Length : OK
003.13 trvk_pkg Name : OK
003.14 creserved_0 Offset - Length : OK
003.15 creserved_0 Name : OK
003.16 ros Offset - Length : OK
003.17 ros Name : OK
003.18 cvtrm Offset - Length : OK
003.19 cvtrm Name : OK
003.20 Flash Region Table 0x00 Filled Area : OK

******* Checking asure_loader_region *******
004.01 asecure_loader Header : OK
004.02 metldr Offset : OK
004.03 metldr Length : OK
004.04 metldr Name : OK
004.05 metldr RevKey : OK
004.06 metldr Binary Size : OK
004.07 metldr Statistics : OK
004.08 asecure_loader 0x00 Filled Area : OK

******* Checking eEID_region *******
005.01 eEID Header : OK
005.02 EID0 Offset - Length : OK
005.03 EID1 Offset - Length : OK
005.04 EID2 Offset - Length : OK
005.05 EID3 Offset - Length : OK
005.06 EID4 Offset - Length : OK
005.07 EID5 Offset - Length : OK
005.08 EID0 IDPS0 : OK
005.09 EID0 IDPS1 : OK
005.10 EID0 Static : OK
005.11 EID2 BlockSize/Padding : OK
005.12 EID3 Static0 : OK
005.13 EID3 Static1 : OK
005.14 EID3 Static2 : OK
005.15 EID5 IDPS0 : OK
005.16 EID5 IDPS1 : OK
005.17 EID5 Static : OK
005.18 eEID Region 0xFF Filled Area : OK
005.19 eEID Statistics0 : OK
005.20 eEID Statistics1 : OK

******* Checking cISD_region *******
006.01 cISD Header : OK
006.02 cISD0 Offset - Length : OK
006.03 cISD1 Offset - Length : OK
006.04 cISD2 Offset - Length : OK
006.05 cISD0 0xFF Filled Area : OK
006.06 cISD1 IDLog Header : OK
006.07 cISD1 Semistatic 1 : OK
006.08 cISD1 Semistatic 2 : OK
006.09 cISD1 0xFF Filled Area 0 : OK
006.10 cISD1 Static : OK
006.11 cISD1 Semistatic 3 : OK
006.12 cISD1 0xFF Filled Area 1 : OK
006.13 cISD1 Statistics : OK
006.14 cISD2 : OK
006.15 cISD 0xFF Filled Area : OK

******* Checking cCSD_region *******
007.01 cCSD Header : OK
007.02 cCSD Entry Table : OK
007.03 cCSD 0xFF Filled Area : OK

******* Checking Revokation_region *******
008.00 trvk_prg Region Header : OK
008.01 trvk_prg0 SCE : OK
008.02 trvk_prg0 Hash : OK
Size = 0x2E0
MD5 = E537DE954DCF25D4DE961DF44549BAF7
Version = 3.50 (from PUP)

008.03 trvk_prg1 SCE : OK
008.04 trvk_prg1 Hash : OK
Size = 0x2E0
MD5 = 78629D24BD721488F3A1E846938F87DF
Version = 3.55 (from PUP)

008.00 trvk_pkg Region Header : OK
008.05 trvk_pkg0 SCE : OK
008.07 trvk_pkg1 SCE : OK

******* Checking Unreferenced_Area *******
008.08 unreferenced area 0xFF filled : OK

******* Checking CoreOS_region *******
009.00 ROS Header : OK
009.01 ROS0 Header : OK
009.02 ROS0 Hash : OK
Size = 0x6FFFE0
MD5 = B833A708108360FC7913986E29C29B3E
Version = 4.85 CEX/SEX OFW

009.03 ROS1 Header : OK
009.04 ROS1 Hash : OK
Size = 0x6FFFE0
MD5 = B833A708108360FC7913986E29C29B3E
Version = 4.85 CEX/SEX OFW

******* Checking cvtrm_region *******
010.01 cvtrm Header : OK
010.02 cvtrm Header Static 1 : OK
010.03 vtrm Magic 1 : OK
010.05 vtrm Magic 2 : OK
010.07 cvtrm 0x00 Filled Area : OK

******* Checking cell_ext_os_area *******
011.01 cell_ext_os_area Header : OK
011.02 cell_ext_os_area 0xFF Filled Area 0 : WARNING!
All bytes from offset 0xE740028 to offset 0xE740200 should be 0xFF.
Byte at offset 0xE740028 has value : 0x00
Subsequent bytes in the range may be wrong as well.

011.03 cell_ext_os_area Break Section : WARNING!
At offset : 0xE740200
Actual data :
> 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Expected data :
> 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

011.04 cell_ext_os_area 0xFF Filled Area 1 : WARNING!
All bytes from offset 0xE740250 to offset 0xE740400 should be 0xFF.
Byte at offset 0xE740250 has value : 0x00
Subsequent bytes in the range may be wrong as well.

******* Checking datamatches *******
per console nonce : OK
metldr size : OK
vtrm header datas : OK
vtrm : OK

******* Checking repetitions *******
Header Magic Repetition : OK
asecure_loader Repetition : OK
eEID Repetition : OK
cISD Repetition : OK
cCSD Repetition : OK
trvk_prg Repetition : OK
trvk_pkg Repetition : OK
ros Repetition : OK
cvtrm Repetition : OK

******* Checks completed *******

Total number of checks = 113
Number of dangers = 0
Number of warnings = 3

Following check(s) returned a WARNING!
011.02 cell_ext_os_area 0xFF Filled Area 0
011.03 cell_ext_os_area Break Section
011.04 cell_ext_os_area 0xFF Filled Area 1

All checks done in 1.64 seconds.
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Success! I am now sporting REBUG Lite, at idle the CPU is 67c and the RSX is at 60c. After playing War in the North for 15 minutes CPU is at 67c and the RSX is at 67c with no custom fan curve. Motorstorm still shows the same error, Killzone III is unreadable and God of War III still shuts the system down but this time it was at the menu screen. The CPU was at 67c and the RSX was at 67c just before the shutdown occurred.
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Check this out, some new "evidence" that suggests that YLOD may not often just be from the CPU/GPU overheating, but in fact some capacitors have gone bad.

Check this out, some new "evidence" that suggests that YLOD may not often just be from the CPU/GPU overheating, but in fact some capacitors have gone bad.

I was about to mention about capacitors but you beat me to it :P Thanks for spreading the info
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