PSA: Ghidra 9.1 Includes SuperH SH-1/SH-2/SH-4 Support

So forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does this mean is now possible? I never heard of Ghidra before so I googled it, and for the uninitiated like myself it appears to be a tool that was used by the NSA to reverse engineer and basically decompile compiled code. It was meant to look for potential backdoors if I gather correctly. It was made open sourced and now people are making modules left and right for it for various processors.

So reverse engineering games on the Saturn and Dreamcast is a possibility now? Does this mean major breakthroughs with Half-Life modding on Dreamcast I wonder?

So does this mean that for instance, we could possibly reverse engineer Bleemcast potentially? ?

This seems like very interesting stuff just from what little I have skimmed the surface researching.
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Ghidra is an open source reverse engineering tool released earlier this year. IDA Pro is a commercial competitor, is best in class, but costs on the order of ~$3,000 to get the premium package with the decompiler.

By adding SuperH SH-1/SH-2/SH-4 support, it's now possible to disassemble and decompile code for that processor. The Sega Saturn uses SH-1/SH-2 CPUs, Sega 32x uses SH-2, and Dreamcast uses SH-4. The SuperH family is of course used in many other embedded devices such as car automation and networking devices.

To see what Ghidra is capable of, take a look at this thread: blincoln wrote a Playstation loader for Ghidra. The screenshot shows him loading a PS binary, and then without any manual intervention Ghidra has decompiled the source code on the right.

And to answer your question, yes you can start reverse engineering Bleemcast with Ghidra.

My mind is utterly and completely blown! This is the greatest news ever! Thanks for showing the Saturn some love as well as getting the ball rolling on the rest of the SH family!
I've started sharing function id DBS for ghidra but ran into snags with issues of library format incompatibilities.

If anyone is willing to look into it. Pleas try
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